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Monday, October 08, 2007

With Nowhere Else to Go, Marty Chavez to Seek U.S. Senate Seat in New Mexico

MarchavezMy own personal take on the latest development in the U.S. Senate race in New Mexico: Albuquerque's Mayor Martin Chavez will announce his run for Pete Domenici's Senate seat tomorrow at 11 AM at Eclipse Aviation. Maybe he should have Terri Cole, maven of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, and his big donors from all sectors of the sprawl development industry standing on stage with him -- for these are the interests he's served most faithfully while mayor. At one time he could have had Repub Sally Mayer at his side, since she's been one of his strongest boosters on the City Council, but even she feels betrayed and bullied by Chavez of late. That's the kind of guy he is.

Recent Setbacks
Mayor Marty has been trumpeting his desire to be Governor for many moons now. Unfortunately for him, not many Democrats around the state have been enthusiastic about it. He's offered lavishly catered events at Dem gatherings, traveled the state looking for backers and tried to get his helpers elected to Party offices, even if a few didn't really live in the precincts they ran in. Still, in the only available public polling on Dem candidates for the 2010 governor's race, Dems chose Lt. Gov. Diane Denish over him by a margin of 50% to 30%. Chavez has little statewide cred with Dems despite being elected as Albuquerque's mayor three times. Maybe that's because he got so many votes from Repubs. And he didn't have to face a Dem primary because the mayor's race is officially "nonpartisan."

His only other foray into running statewide brought a sound defeat, when he lost to Repub Gary Johnson by a margin of 55% to 46% in the 1998 Governor's race. Of course, since then, Marty's reinvented himself as sprawl development's best friend. The money is so good you know.

Recently, of course, he got another thrashing when the candidates he put up to run in this month's municipal election in Albuquerque all got roundly beaten. Several used less than stellar campaign tactics to try and get the edge, only to be found out and chastised in public and ultimately by the voters. Yes, Marty must have been pretty glum until Pete Domenici announced his retirement. After all, Chavez had blocked off that alternative route to power by stating previously that he wouldn't ever run against Domenici. More than that, he proclaimed that he supported Domenici and would vote for him. Quite the Democrat, isn't he?

Moderate or Mugging for Monied Interests?
Now that the way to the governship seems rocky indeed and he's rapidly becoming a lame duck mayor, a run for Senate must seem like the perfect solution to his growing political impotence. At least to his cronies and donors. It sure doesn't seem like anything but tone deaf political stubborness to the rank and file Dems I know. You can hear the groans rising from many quarters. For Marty isn't really a "moderate" Dem as he likes to portray himself. In my book, he's a big-time sell out to the financial forces of profit at any cost here in the Duke City. Remember that he raised and spent more than for his last mayoral run. You don't get that level of donations in a city race for nothing.

There's a big difference between being moderate on economic issues and taking money to do the work of some of the nastiest players on the metro scene. What kind of Democrat would work with Terri Cole et al. to quash a raise in the minimum wage, fight the implementation of clean elections and stop the movement for Smart Growith in the city? What kind of Democrat would do everything in his power to make uncontrolled sprawl growth easier and then self-proclaim himself "green" and into "water conservation"? The kind that thinks he can fool at least most of the people enough to win a Democratic primary for Senate. Personally, I think he's got his work cut out for him.

I'm curious as to how Chavez intends to package himself for this run, especially during a Dem primary that's sure to be a test of his mettle as a Democrat. What mask will he don, what buzzwords will his dedicated PR team provide, which parts of his record will he reinvent to try and convince voters he's something he's not?

It will certainly be compelling in a dismal sort of way to watch him try to squeeze into Dem's clothing as he goes before the Party's central committee and primary voters. And I guess the political pundits finally have a "name" Democrat to satisfy their needs. The problem is that his name is mud in the minds of way too many Democrats who take the Party's core credos seriously. And I'm not just talking about progressives. I'm talking about ordinary Democrats you meet when you canvass door to door in the precincts. The Democrats who stuff the envelopes and make the phone calls. The Democrats who vote straight tickets. You know, real Democrats.

Thanks for the Memories: ABQPAC
For those who may have forgotten about one of Mayor Chavez's major ethics transgressions, below are some links to local press articles about his 2002-03 involvement with ABQPAC, which was created to raise money from city employees and contractors to pay for such things as the travel expenses of Marty's family on international goodwill trips, his cell phone bills, campaign debts, etc.

Even the city's Board of Ethics and Campaign Practices -- generally seen as toothless and compromised -- was forced to take some action against Chavez regarding ABQPAC. Although Common Cause and others were calling for his removal from office due to the ABQPAC scams, he was reprimanded and ended up returning $60,000 in "donations" he got via ABQPAC. The Ethics Board found him guilty of violating the City Charter by accepting money to pay for family travel and other expenses. The Board ruled that he violated a ban on accepting valuable gifts from those with an interest in city affairs and that he failed to report certain campaign contributions and abide by contribution limits.

For our previous posts about the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive. For our posts about the recently complete Albuquerque municipal election and Mayor Martin Chavez's role in it, click here.

October 8, 2007 at 12:17 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


Maybe Marty will come out as a Republican. You know, the Republicans have done so well at being elected by Democrats in NM.

It could be a win/win for him.

But then again, he's not that honest.

Posted by: No Fan | Oct 8, 2007 1:26:27 PM

too bad all of this is facts and true.
You forgot to mention the Petroglyphs,and allowing a road to go through a national monument and sacred native american grounds.
Oh yea that is all we need watch out Yellowstone watch out rocky mt park, mr chavez will never let a mere national monument stand in his way of his big money developing friends.

Posted by: dem voter | Oct 8, 2007 2:40:55 PM

I don't agree with Marty on several issues. His "big brother" antics as mayor is a big concern especially with the recent red light cameras and the smoking ban.

However, it appears that he is the only viable candidate available that can beat Heather Wilson. Tom Udall has already announced he won't run. Dian Denish is focusing on becoming the next NM Governor. And the main man himself, Bill Richardson, is positioning himself to be part of the executive branch of the US.

I refuse to "waste my vote" on a no-name candidate such as Don Wiviott or Jim Hannan. I want someone who the public knows and someone who can go across the aisle and steal some GOP voters.

Posted by: Daniel | Oct 8, 2007 2:48:03 PM

Thanks for this. Not living in ABQ and in NM for only 5 years, we needed to know this.

Posted by: | Oct 8, 2007 3:08:30 PM

I don't necessarily consider Mayor Marty "the only viable candidate available that can beat Heather Wilson". Yes, more viable than Wiviott or Hannan, but the beat Heather Wilson part I find questionable. Can we please keep looking? So, I agree with you to the point that someone else steps in. (Please, god, please, someone change their mind!) The only thing worse than Congressman-woman Wilson is Senator Wilson. What a travesty.

I think you're using the "Hillary Theory" here where it doesn't apply. Hillary is not a favorite of the far left, like Marty, but she is by far the most electable candidate. <-Urgh, but true! She gets the rank and files described in this article that Marty does not to get out of the primary and has the best chances for the big she-bang! Not only does virtually Marty's entire party loathe him, I don't think we should necessarily consider him electable in the general. But of course I could be wrong, it was the Republicans that elected him Mayor. All the descent folk voted for Griego.

What an awful place for a NM Democrat to be in if he were the nominee though. I'm not the kind of idiot that will stay home that day, but it will ouch.

And yes, the gender identification being questionable for Wilson was intentional, she sometimes confuses me, like Pat.

Posted by: Dave | Oct 8, 2007 6:50:35 PM

Joe Monahan has first polling:

1. Pearce beats Wilson in primary
2. Wilson narrowly beats Chavez in general
3. Pearce smokes Chavez in general
4. Richardson clobbers Wilson or Pearce
5. Udall handily defeats Wilson but no match up with Pearce mentioned
6. Madrid basically ties Wilson, like we need that again

Posted by: Dave | Oct 8, 2007 7:24:26 PM

Pearce loses to Congressman Tom Udall by 18 points. Go see the entire polling results on the later post on this blog.

I've heard the "electability" argument used too many times. We keep losing with "electable" candidates. Funny how that works.

Posted by: Old Dem | Oct 8, 2007 8:33:53 PM

Thanks other Dave, I see that now.

Posted by: Dave | Oct 8, 2007 8:44:30 PM

How quickly you all forget. Marty is a very progressive Democrat and I look forward to him running for Senate!

Marty will be a great candidate for the seat and can beat Wilson!

I wish you all would stop bickerin and actually make a difference!

Posted by: John | Oct 8, 2007 10:02:46 PM

What John calls "bickering" I call political discussion and debate. When politicians are trying to get a nomination its only fair that voters study their records and positions.

When I study Marty Chavez'record and positions I find them very lacking. When a Democrat supports Republican candidates over Democrats and Republican positions over Democratic positions I don't want him moving up in office-I want him out of office.

I think we all help make a difference when we study what a polician actually does not just what they say. Chavez talks a good game but his actions speak louder than words. He cares about his own political gain and the financial gain of his donors and not much else. He used to be better than this but he lost his way badly during recent years. Its sad really.

Posted by: Chavez No | Oct 9, 2007 8:52:04 AM

Not sure how the sprawl development could have been halted to be quite honest. Chavez does have history of fairly genuine progressive activism starting when he worked along side Cesar Chavez and the UFW, getting banged up by the Teamster goons. His earnest Green initiatives, early endorsement of Howard Dean, humane stance on immigration and same sex partner benefits, and hate crimes legislation shouldn't be COMPLETELY over looked.

Amazing how quick people are to criticize without knowing the depth of someone's record.

Posted by: Anonymous | Oct 9, 2007 5:47:52 PM

Marty Progressive? He's disingenuous, unethical and would quite readily throw ANY campaign promise, supporter or constituency under the bus to get his way. I didn't know these were qualties of a Progressive candidate. More a perfect example of rethuglican work ethic, seems to me. Sorry, I'd rather gargle broken glass than vote for the developer's best friend.

Posted by: Ron | Oct 9, 2007 6:33:37 PM

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