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    Thursday, October 25, 2007

    Tell Reid: No Amnesty for Lawbreaking Telecoms

    Although Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been asked by Sen. Chris Dodd to put a "hold" on the legislation that would grant lawbreaking telecoms retroactive immunity for their actions in the warrantless surveillance scandal, so far he's refused to do so. Now a number of national groups and bloggers (see below) have drafted a letter to Reid urging him to do what's right. Click to add your name to the letter, which will be delivered to Reid, as well as the Senate Democratic leadership and Senate Judiciary Committee members.

    See our previous post for info on additional action you can take to try and stop telecom immunity.

    National groups that signed onto the letter include:

    American Civil Liberties Union
    Electronic Frontier Foundation
    Moveon.org Political Action
    Working Assets Wireless

    National bloggers who signed it include:

    Glenn Greenwald, Salon
    Jane Hamsher, Firedoglake
    Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, Dailykos
    Christy Hardin Smith, Firedoglake
    Matt Stoller, OpenLeft
    Digby, Hullabaloo
    Taylor Marsh, TaylorMarsh.com
    Duncan Black, Atrios
    John Aravosis, Americablog
    Chris Bowers, OpenLeft
    John Amato, Crooks and Liars
    Howie Klein, DownWithTyranny

    October 25, 2007 at 04:00 PM in Civil Liberties, Corporatism, Crime | Permalink


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