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    Sunday, October 28, 2007

    (Updated) Sunday Bird Blogging: Red Sox Nation

    UPDATE: Red Sox sweep series with 4-3 victory in Game Four. Mike Lowell named Series MVP. Pinch hitter Bobby Kielty hits 8th inning solo homer that makes the difference. Red Sox Nation jubilant (including Sunny, Bosco, and the Seven Parakeets -- Whitey, Ginger, Hambone, Georgie, Queenie, Peanut and Jumbo)!
    The Red Sox Nation extends far and wide as Boston closes in on their second World Series victory in four years. They could win their fourth and decisive game in the best of seven series against the Colorado Rockies as early as tonight. Mary Ellen and I have been cheering them on throughout the playoffs and our avian family has been right beside us, pecking and peeping away. Bosco the peach-faced lovebird demanded we feature him and his collection of Red Sox gear in today's bird blogging. He considers himself to be the most loyal Sox supporter of our bird brained clan. This time, Sunny the sun conure and the seven parakeets decided not to argue with him. He's that vehement.

    He even got his favorite rainbow bear and a couple of his favorite toys into the photo mix to best show off his plumage against the most colorful of backdrops. He's one vain lovebird. You should hear him sing the Bosox unofficial anthem, "Well I love that dirty water ... oh Boston you're my home." Even though it's really his human flock that has called the Boston area home in days of yore, Bosco definitely counts himself as an enthusiastic -- if long distance -- member of Red Sox Nation.

    Bosco has already started the other birds chanting, "Manny, Manny, Papi, Papi! But he reserves his loudest cheers for Jacoby Ellsbury, the first baseball player of Navajo descent to make it to the major leagues. Ellsbury's mother's roots are Navajo and Jacoby sometimes summered with his Diné grandmother, a weaver, and other family near Parker, AZ. He spent a year there with his mom when his grandmoter was ill. He's officially a member of the Colorado River Indian Tribe, whose reservation straddles the Colorado River in Arizona and California and is home to Chemehuevis, Hopis, and Navajos. Click for more info on Ellsbury.

    Click on photos for larger versions. All photos by M.E.B.

    October 28, 2007 at 01:55 PM in Bird Blogging, Visuals | Permalink


    What a coincidence! My husband has been teaching our dog to bark "Ortiz" and she already has the first syllable down. I just knew there had to be more members of Red Sox Nation down here in New Mexico.

    Thanks for linking to my blog. Go Sox!!!

    Posted by: | Oct 28, 2007 5:48:18 PM

    Love the birds. RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by: | Oct 29, 2007 8:06:34 AM

    peep peep!!!!

    Posted by: mary ellen | Oct 29, 2007 11:30:06 AM

    I'm thrilled to find a New Mexico Red Sox mini-Nation. Yay! I'm running for governor of New Mexico for RSN, and would love to have your vote. If you'd like to see my "platform" give me a shout on the email address above, and I'll send you my statement. Meantime, if you want to be well-represented by an expatriate New Englander in Santa Fe, please go to:


    and enter my name:
    Melissa Totten
    and my email: melissato@earthlink.net

    Thank you for your consideration and as always, GO SOX!

    Posted by: melissa | Jul 23, 2008 1:35:21 PM

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