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    Tuesday, October 16, 2007

    (Updated) Pearce Is In for U.S. Senate

    UPDATE 4:53 PM. Brian S. Colón, Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, released this statement about Pearce's decision to run for U.S. Senate:

    "Steve Pearce has a consistent record of failing the people of New Mexico. In the real world, when folks fail miserably at their jobs like Steve Pearce has, they get fired - not promoted," Colón said. "Steve Pearce is in a state of denial to believe that his record of failure would lead the people of New Mexico to consider giving him a promotion.

    In Congress, Pearce has been one of the most steadfast supporters of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Pearce supported Bush's mismanaged Iraq policies at every turn and consistently voted to support Bush's fiscally reckless management of the budget that turned record surpluses into record deficits. He was also the only member of the New Mexico Congressional delegation to heartlessly oppose expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program to cover an additional 27,900 uninsured New Mexican kids. Steve Pearce's priorities are clear -- what he values is loyalty to a failed president over the priorities of the families of New Mexico."

    Pearce1Says the Albuquerque Journal's Michael Coleman:

    Rep. Steve Pearce will announce tomorrow that he will seek ...

    ... the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Pete Domenici, the Albuquerque Journal just learned. Pearce, a three-term New Mexico Republican, will send an email to "friends and supporters" tomorrow declaring his intention to run. A person familiar with Pearce's plans said the congressman wants to notify supporters informally before officially declaring his campaign sometime in the coming weeks.

    "There are a number of pieces that still need to be put in place - a website, a campaign team, etc.," before a formal announcement is made, the person said, adding that Pearce is not ready to field media questions until possibly Thursday.

    Rep. Pearce (NM-02) reportedly raised $255,000 during the third quarter of 2007 for his Congressional race, and had $582,000 on hand at the end of September. All of that can be transferred to his Senate campaign.

    Rep. Heather Wilson, also in the Senate race on the Repub side, announced she raised $247,000 in the third quarter for her Congressional race in NM-01, which can also be transferred to her Senate campaign. She's raised a total of $988,000 this year, and $756,000 remained as cash on hand at the end of September.

    As a post on New Mexico FBIHOP reports, the Repub House leadership has been pressuring Pearce to stay in his Congressional seat in NM-02. I guess it didn't work. Now Wilson and Pearce will have to enter into what could be a very brutal primary given the festering split in New Mexico's GOP between Repubs who try to position themselves as "moderates" and those who are true blue rightwingers and gung ho Bushies, like Pearce.

    Dem Bill McCamley, who is running for Congress in NM-02, must be smiling now that Pearce is out of the way. McCamley has reportedly raised $66,000 this quarter and had $186,000 in the bank when September ended. Of course things could get more complicated quickly if other Dems decide to enter the race now that Pearce will run for Senate. Currently, McCamley's only official primary competitor is Al Kissling, who is running his campaign on a shoestring. Just today, however, Lea County Commissioner Harry Teague, a conservative Democrat, said he'll be entering the race soon.

    Meanwhile, both Mayor Marty Chavez and Don Wiviott have reportedly been in Washington this week looking for help and trying to convince Dem poobahs of their campaign-worthiness for their Senate runs.

    To read our previous coverage of the U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

    October 16, 2007 at 12:53 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


    This is the break we needed. I never thought I would root for Steve Pearce. He is one of the Rightest of the Right. There's not a chance anyone will be electing a conservative Republican to the US Senate from a competitive state in '08.

    Pearce may be the one to finally, finally, end Heather Wilson's political career and guarantee a dem Senate victory in NM.

    Hooray for Steve Pearce! Lets hope for mutual assured destruction in the NM US Senate GOP primary.

    Posted by: T | Oct 16, 2007 1:37:04 PM

    You got that right! I'll bet that Pearce beats Wilson and that whoever wins the primary on the Democratic side will wipe the floor with Pearce. This is teriffic news!

    Posted by: Old Dem | Oct 16, 2007 1:43:24 PM

    A dream come true. At long last, the non representative of District 1 in NM will be sent packing back to New Hampshire!!!Finally New Mexican Republicans have a real candidate to put their money into. Ms. Wilson has wasted millions of campaign dollars to barely eek by in District 1. We finally have a real candidate. Go, Pearce, Go!

    Posted by: Fed Up In District 1 | Oct 16, 2007 3:06:30 PM

    I had heard that the GOP would discourage Pearce from running for the Senate because they know that they will be loosing more seats and they want to be able to hang on to at least one House seat in NM. Glad to hear that he (Pearce) sees it differently this might just be the ticket to rid the state of all the Republics.

    Posted by: VP | Oct 16, 2007 3:58:17 PM

    The future-
    NM-1: Martin Heinrich
    NM-2: Tom Udall
    NM-3: Bill McCamley
    US Sen. Don Wiviott
    US Sen. Jeff Bingaman
    NM Gov. Diane Denish
    President: Barak Obama

    Posted by: Blue, blue | Oct 16, 2007 4:14:51 PM

    O nooooooo. I read that Madrid won't run for Senate but is still considering running for congress in the first district again. Please tell me this is a bad dream. All we need to screw things up is a run by Madrid and all that baggage again. Don't run Patsy!

    Posted by: KZ | Oct 16, 2007 4:24:21 PM

    Wow. Lot of wishful thinking going on here, I think. Maybe you all should think about whether or not you're coming to believe your own propaganda?

    Posted by: Socrates | Oct 16, 2007 4:25:03 PM

    The realistic future:

    NM-1: Martin Heinrich
    NM-2: Tom Udall
    NM-3: Bill McCamley
    US Sen. Martin Chavez
    US Sen. Jeff Bingaman
    NM Gov. Diane Denish
    President: Hillary Clinton
    Vice President: Barak Obama
    Sec. of State: Bill Richardson
    Sec. of Defense: Wesley Clark
    Attorney General: John Edwards

    Posted by: Daniel | Oct 16, 2007 4:57:39 PM

    My predictions-Trust me, Democrats will never vote for Chavez for Senate in the primary. Never.

    You may be right on Clinton but I think as the primaries draw closer Democrats will have serious second thoughts about her electability and the prospect of having Bill there causing potential bimbo problems and generally creating polarization. I predict either Obama or Edwards will overtake her in Iowa and NH, perhaps by working together in some way.

    Obama might also be tapped for the US Supreme Court if a Democrat other than him wins the presidency.

    Richardson will be Ambassador to somewhere.

    Wesley Clark would be an excellent Sec. Def.

    Edwards could be Sec. Labor

    VP stumps me.

    Posted by: Great Swami | Oct 16, 2007 5:18:04 PM

    Theres no way Hillary will becoem President. Im one of the anybody but Hillary voters(except repubs of course) It sJohn Edwards all the way, he building up a lot of support, especially with recent SEIU endorsement in all the major primary states. I wish that Edwards and Obama would work together to take her out.

    And MArtin Chavez=going nowhere. Dems wont vote for him and he could never win the general election. Talk about a flip flopper. Conservative, now hes super rpo enviro and liberal(did you hear his announcement speech...it sounded like it was put into a liberal heartstrungs machine.) I know he doesnt belive in that stuff. He's a genuine FAKE.

    Posted by: | Oct 16, 2007 7:15:41 PM

    The reason I am supporting Marty is because it is by default...not by choice.

    Diane Denish appears set to pursue the NM governorship.

    Tom Udall is better served to keep his seniority and chairmanship of the Appropriations Committee in the House of Reps. NM needs to retain all of the pork that we have historically gotten.

    Bill Richardson has said he is focused on the Executive Branch.

    ...and I sure as heck ain't gonna waste my efforts, volunteering time, and wasted vote on a "no name" candidate. So in this case that eliminates Wiviott, Hannan, and Lehrman. Especially when we are facing stiff competition from the GOP side. While Chavez is not exactly the greatest guy....he sure is better than Wilson or Pearce.

    Posted by: Daniel | Oct 16, 2007 8:06:02 PM

    Chavez can't win. He's hacked off too many people in Albuquerque over stupid things, e.g., the red light cameras, and as a result has developed a reputation for being an arrogant jerk who wants to take taxpayers' money and waste it.

    I guess if God wanted us to vote, he would have given us real candidates.

    Posted by: Socrates | Oct 17, 2007 11:19:05 AM

    HI to my grandma thresa adagon and I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by: elias chavez jr | Oct 22, 2007 7:19:28 PM

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