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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Iraq War Purple Heart Recipient Criticizes Rush Limbaugh for 'Phony Soldiers' Remark

In the not-letting-them-get-away-with-it department:, the leading political group of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, is today launching a hard-hitting ad that directly takes on Rush Limbaugh for his contention that those who served in Iraq, but oppose the Bush administration's failed policies, are "phony soldiers." (See our previous post.)

The ad (video above) will air nationally Wednesday and Thursday on FOX News and CNN, and a radio version of the ad will air during the Rush Limbaugh Show in Washington, DC and in his home market of Palm Beach, Florida. The total amount of the ad buy is $60,000. A broadcast quality radio version of the ad will be posted at later this afternoon.

The ad features Brian McGough of Washington, DC, who was wounded in action when he took shrapnel to his head as a result of an enemy explosive. McGough received the Purple Heart for his traumatic brain injury.

In the ad, McGough says, "More and more troops and veterans of Iraq believe George Bush's military policy has been a disaster...I am one of them. Rush Limbaugh called vets like me "phony soldiers" for telling the truth about Iraq. Rush, the shrapnel I took to my head was real. My traumatic brain injury was real. And, my belief that we are on the wrong course in Iraq is real. Until you have the guts to call me a "phony solider" to my face, stop telling lies about my service." Text then reads, "Tell Rush Limbaugh to stop insulting our troops and veterans. (800) 282-2882."

Jon Soltz, Iraq War Veteran and Chairman of, said, "Maybe Rush Limbaugh and his ilk haven't heard, but there's a new sheriff in town - America's troops and veterans, who are not going to sit idle while people like Rush demean the service of those who oppose the President's failed policy in Iraq. Maybe Rush got away with smears like this in the past, but he's not going to on our watch. There's nothing phony about those who chose to wear the uniform and fight. And someone like Rush Limbaugh, who avoided service, is the one of the least qualified people on the face of the earth to pass judgment on us." is a pro-military organization committed to the destruction of terror networks around the world, with force when necessary. It represents the Voice of America's 21 Century Patriots - those who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. It primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on behalf of troops, veterans and their families.

Click to donate to VoteVets to help them support the troops and oppose the escalation in Iraq.

Resolution Introduced in U.S. House
Meanwhile Rep. Mark Udall of Colorado has introduced a in the U.S. House condemning Rush for his nasty remarks. If we want to see this bill brought to a vote, we need to contact the Dem House leaders and Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03).

October 2, 2007 at 11:18 AM in Iraq War, Media, Veterans | Permalink


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