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    Wednesday, October 10, 2007

    (Updated) Martin Heinrich: A Powerhouse on Conservation and the Environment

    UPDATE: Dem Rep. Al Park has decided not to enter the NM-01 race. Sheriff Darren White is expected to announce his candidacy for the seat on the Repub side sometime today.
    Dem Martin Heinrich, running for Congress in NM-01, has a long and strong environmental record of achievement, and his positions on related issues are informed and personally passionate ones. See page 14 of the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance's Spring 2007 magazine (pdf) for an article about Heinrich's experience and accomplishments. It's written by Stephen Capra, Executive Director of the NM Wilderness Alliance.

    As Capra writes,

    Before running for office [on the Albuquerque City Council], Heinrich served on the Board of Directors for the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, including some time as President. He is also the former Executive Director of the Cottonwood Gulch Foundation, a non-profit organization providing experiential outdoor and environmental education. During those days, Martin's hair was a little longer and his tan a bit darker, thanks to time spent outdoors exposing young people to the history, art, science and cultures of the southwest.

    ... He used his burgeoning political instincts as the primary organizer in the successful campaign to protect the Ojito Wilderness Area. His tireless efforts were crucial in gaining the necessary support of our congressional delegation and overcoming earlier opposition by local ranchers. Ojito became the first new wilderness in our state in over 18 years.

    .. Many politicians like to “talk green,” far fewer actually make the environment part of their core agenda.

    To learn more about Heinrich's achievements, read the entire article. We've got the real deal here at a time when so much is at stake in terms of the crises we face related to global warming, energy and water use, habitat preservation and so much more.

    DLC No, Heinrich Yes
    It's so important to show our support for Heinrich NOW if we want him to be our nominee. With Repub Heather Wilson vacating the race to run for Senate, more Dem candidates may be tempted to run in NM-01. In my opinion, the names being mentioned can't hold a candle to Heinrich on any number of issues, including the environment.

    DLC Dems like State Rep. Al Park and others are good guys in many ways, but I don't think their "centrist" views measure up to the principled stands Heinrich takes. For instance, note that Al Park was selected for special notice by the conservative, business-oriented DLC (see here and here). In my book we need more DLC Dems in the Congress like we need a hole in the head. What we do need are more candidates like Heinrich, who hail from the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.

    In my view, potential candidates like Park are more about clinging to a business as usual model than creatively envisioning a future shaped by our growing awareness of the kind of change we'll need to make to ensure the planet's survival -- and ours.

    Just Do It
    If you agree, let's help clear the field for Martin. Donate a few bucks at the DFNM Netroots for Heinrich page at Act Blue, visit Martin's revamped website and blog and officially endorse his candidacy.

    For our previous posts on the 2008 Congressional race in NM-01, visit our archive.

    October 10, 2007 at 12:31 AM in Environment, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    Al Park is my state rep and he's very good on many local issues and a very nice guy but please Al don't run for Congress. I can't support you there. Heinrich is our best choice-support him don't run against him.

    Posted by: TR | Oct 10, 2007 10:03:29 AM

    I am also in Al's district and agree that it is Martin Heinrich who is the real progressive in this race. I also think it is important to point out that Martin is the one who was the led on raising the minimum wage in Albuquerque before the state or federal government took action. Most importantly, it was Martin Heinrich who joined the race when it was a tough race against Heather Wilson. New Mexico needs to send people to congress who are not afraid to fight for what is right, even when the fight is against a tough opponent like Wilson. I see other who will try to join the race because they think it is going to be an easier fight as desperate bottom feeders and sorry examples of political opportunists and only help the republicans. Martin will take the same spirit of fighting for New Mexico's poor and middle class and our environment to the United State's Congress.

    Posted by: Stacy | Oct 10, 2007 1:06:57 PM

    Heinrich has been in the race too long for johnny latelys to enter now. I know there is strong backing for Heinrich and it will only get stronger.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Oct 10, 2007 2:22:26 PM

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