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    « (With Updates) AP Report: Domenici to Announce Retirement Tomorrow | Main | Today at 2 PM: Join CHIP Veto Override Rally in ABQ »

    Wednesday, October 03, 2007

    More on Domenici Retirement: Announcement Set for 4 PM Tomorrow in ABQ

    According to the Albuquerque Tribune:

    Republican sources confirmed that the Albuquerque Republican plans to make the announcement at 4 p.m. Thursday at St. Mary's Catholic School, where he went to school, and where his sister long served as principal.

    ... The sources say the decision is not related to an ongoing Senate ethics investigation of Domenici's phone call to former U. S. attorney David Iglesias last year about a local corruption report or publicly reported polls that showed his approval rating dropping.

    Domenici has been plagued by shooting pains in his left leg that caused him to sit down frequently at press conferences and other public events. And he has appeared to tire from the strain of a hectic Senate schedule.

    I wonder if the recent poll showing his approval rating at 41% has anything to do with it.

    Brian Colón, who chairs the Democratic Party of New Mexico, today had this to say about Domenici's announced retirement:

    "Pete Domenici has served the state of New Mexico with distinction over a long career. New Mexico Democrats will field a strong Democratic nominee who can wage a spirited campaign and win this seat."

    Also see our previous post on Domenici's retirement. For our previous posts on the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

    October 3, 2007 at 06:44 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


    Wow! Chairman Colon said, "New Mexico Democrats will field a strong Democratic nominee who can wage a spirited campaign and win this seat." What does that say to the gentleman who has already declared? Does he not have the support of the Party Chair? Is he not good enough? Will this be the second time that Wiviott gets stepped on by the "higher" ups in the Party like when Wiviott tried to run for Congress?

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Oct 4, 2007 9:01:27 AM

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