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    Wednesday, September 12, 2007

    What Do We Do Now? Punch In Those Numbers

    Sen. Chris Dodd nails it. Now let's start FLOODING THE CONGRESS WITH PHONE CALLS. We need to literally deluge the switchboards with calls. Urge them to join Senator Dodd in demanding that the Dem Congressional leadership refuse to fund the war without withdrawal timetables:

    On September 6th, the New York Times reported that Democrats are considering whether to offer a "compromise" amendment on Iraq to the upcoming Defense Department Authorization bill. This "compromise," the Levin-Reed amendment, would reportedly establish a non-binding "goal" -- as opposed to a firm deadline -- for withdrawing our combat troops from Iraq.

    The net result would be another blank check for President Bush.

    Senator Dodd said it best, "I cannot and will not support any measure that does not have a firm and enforceable deadline to complete the redeployment of combat troops from Iraq. Rather than picking up votes, by removing the deadline to get our troops out of Iraq you have lost this Democrat's vote."

    We can stop this before it sees the light of day.

    Please contact key Dem Senators and ask them to publicly reject any Iraq legislation that does not include enforceable deadlines for withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq and urge them to support the Dodd amendment:

    Senate: (202) 224-3121

    House: (202) 224-3121

    I also like what Kos summarized as a strong position today:

    Pass a supplemental bill with a withdrawal deadline. Let the GOP filibuster. If it comes to the point where the troops are being harmed from lack of funding, pass one-month supplementals -- keep forcing Republicans in vote after vote to stand with Bush and his hated war.

    If the bigger supplemental, the one with teeth, passes, let Bush veto it. Send it back to him, again and again. All the while, keep the one-month supplementals going to ensure our troops have everything they need.

    Tell the American people -- we will support the troops by bringing them home safe and sound to their families, and we will fund them appropriately every step of the way.

    In other words, fully fund a withdrawal.

    September 12, 2007 at 06:05 PM in Iraq War | Permalink


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