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    Wednesday, September 19, 2007

    Urge Senators to End Iraq Occupation: Support Feingold-Reid

    Most of us agree that Sen. Feingold is one of our very best progressive Senators.Time and time again he's stood firmly for ending the Iraq occupation and has consistently introduced and supported legislation with teeth. He makes it easy for you to contact our Senators and urge them to support the Feingold-Reid amendment.

    From Sen. Feingold: As you may have already heard, this week I plan to once again introduce binding legislation that uses Congress's 'power of the purse' to safely redeploy our troops out of Iraq.  Last May, with your help, we saw a majority of Democratic senators support a similar proposal.  Unfortunately, too many of my colleagues, on both sides of the aisle, continue to be recklessly timid when it comes to blocking funding for one of the biggest mistakes in the history of our country.

    But after yet another week of the same old rhetoric from the White House, Republicans in Congress, and through the testimony of both General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, my hope is that more of my colleagues will finally join the millions of Americans that agree - now is the time to safely redeploy our brave men and women in uniform out of Iraq.

    Tell my colleagues to support Feingold-Reid

    To be clear, my proposal blocks further funding for the war AFTER the troops have been safely redeployed.  That emphasis is an important one to make, as some Republicans, and way too many Democrats, have time and again incorrectly made the false claim that they couldn’t support my ‘power of the purse’ proposal because 'we can't cut funding for our troops.'  Any elected official or talking head who puts forth that dishonest argument when discussing my proposal, knows the truth and is simply too timid to take on misleading attacks by the White House.  The Feingold-Reid legislation sets a timetable to redeploy our troops by June 30, 2008 - at which time further funding for the war would be terminated.

    Let my colleagues know the truth about Feingold-Reid

    While many in Congress have acknowledged that the President has the wrong strategy when it comes to Iraq, Congress has thus far failed to do anything about it.  With our military at the breaking point and our ability to go after those who attacked us on 9/11 hampered by an Iraq-centric foreign policy, the time has come for Congress to use its constitutional power - the 'power of the purse' - to end this misguided war in Iraq.  I will need your help to take another step in our fight.  Please contact your senators today and tell them to support the Feingold-Reid legislation.


    Russ Feingold
    United States Senator
    Honorary Chair, Progressive Patriots Fund

    September 19, 2007 at 10:46 AM in Iraq War | Permalink


    Sorry, but I just don't understand how this works,,,or maybe I do! He says "my proposal blocks further funding AFTER the troops are redeployed. Next June!,,? Cheney and Bush are not going to "redeploy"(what a stupid term!)the troops. That we know. So, Mr. Feingold, you are going to fund 9 more months of genocide? I guess if I asked that question in person I would have to be tazered, wouldn't I? Excuse me Barb,,, If I am simply not understanding how this works then please clarify and I apologize for being dense. But this looks like a very poor attempt at BAIT AND SWITCH and is really an insult, and a new low level of *&%$#@! lies from Dem leadership.

    Posted by: dan gips | Sep 19, 2007 10:54:02 PM

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