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    Monday, September 10, 2007

    UNM Grad Students Pass Bring the Troops Home Resolution

    From the University of New Mexico’s Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA): On Saturday, September 7th, the UNM GPSA Council passed a resolution asking the US Congress to end the US occupation of Iraq. Citing concern for the wellbeing of US military service persons and the exorbitant costs of the war, the resolution calls for providing comprehensive health and higher educational assistance to returning troops.

    The purpose of the resolution is to call attention to local student and community needs that are not being fully met due to the allocation of needed funds to the US military engagement in Iraq.

    “The billions of dollars being squandered in Iraq could be much better spent making campus safer and more family friendly, and providing health care and affordable housing to students,” said GPSA President Joseph J. García. Noting the lack of diversity among the ranks of graduate and professional students, Mr. García said New Mexican’s tax money, instead of funding war, should “go towards more financial aid for aspiring graduate students from traditionally excluded backgrounds.”

    Lending their support of the resolution at the meeting were State Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino and City Councilor Isaac Benton. They spoke of the necessity for students and citizens to be heard on important issues, and described their efforts to express opposition to the US occupation of Iraq at the state legislature and city council.

    The GPSA council is composed of graduate student representatives from departments across UNM—including the schools of law and medicine.

    The GPSA Council will now send copies of the resolution to New Mexico’s congressional delegation, the Albuquerque City Council, the UNM Board of Regents, and the President of the United States of America.

    For further information please call GPSA staffer Max Fitzpatrick at 850-4364 or 277-3803, or GPSA President Joseph J. García at 400-3802.

    September 10, 2007 at 10:40 AM in Education, Iraq War, Veterans | Permalink


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