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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Two Powerful Speakers to Discuss Iraq War at DPBC Thursday Meeting
Don't miss this one. The Third Thursday Meeting of the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County will be held on September 20, 2007, at 6:00 PM in Room 2401 at the UNM Law School located at 1117 Stanford Dr NE in Albuquerque (map). All Democrats are welcome. Two excellent speakers will address the dire situations being created by the ongoing Iraq occupation and attacks on our Constitution:
Major General Melvin MontaƱo, Ret., former Adjutant General, US Air National Guard
- THE IRAQ OCCUPATION: Impact on the National Guard and the states supported by the National Guard, including the long-term effects on local communities and the homeland security of the United States.
Bruce Clark, former Marine, with a son currently serving in Iraq North of Baghdad
- MISSING IN ACTION - AMERICA: With the Iraqi bloodbath reaching new heights and the Constitution treated like a doormat, we can't afford any more of the same under a different label. We'll never get something right that was wrong in the first place or legitimate a lie. In particular, we need to make our elected officials and candidates hear us so we can bring our troops home now and get our country back again. It's time for Democrats to act like Democrats again.
If you attended the Iraq Summer Campaign's Take a Stand town hall meeting last month, you know how passionate, informed and articulate these two speakers are about what's going on in Iraq and our nation because of the woeful Bush administration and its rubberstamps like Sen. Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson. Highly recommended. (Click on photos for larger images.)
September 19, 2007 at 10:05 PM in Civil Liberties, Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink