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    Sunday, September 09, 2007

    Tonight: Univision Dem Prez Debate in Spanish & English

    Spanish-language TV station Univision is hosting a Dem presidential candidate debate tonight from 6:00 to 7:30 PM Mountain Time. Albuquerque viewers can tune in to the live broadcast from the University of Miami on KLUZ-TV, channel 41, or on Comcast cable channel 15. The broadcast will also be available on Radio Cadena Univision and online at Univision.com. It's the first presidential debate to be broadcast entirely in Spanish, as well as the first to specifically address Latino issues.

    Seven of the eight contenders for the Dem presidential nomination will participate. Sen. Joe Biden will miss the event to prepare for next week's Senate Foreign Relations hearing with Gen. Petraeus, which he will chair. Only two, Gov. Bill Richardson and Sen. Chris Dodd, speak fluent Spanish, but that actually shouldn't be much of a factor in the debate.

    Univision anchors Maria Elena Salinas and Jorge Ramos will ask the questions in Spanish but the candidates will hear them translated into English via the UN-style earpieces they'll be wearing. Their answers in English will be translated into Spanish be an interpreter for the TV viewers. English-speaking viewers can watch using the closed caption service on their TVs.

    Expect glitches and delays. Plus, I can't imagine that Richardson and Dodd will refrain from showing off their prowess in Spanish at some point, even though the rules say they must speak English during the debate. Why? Univision claims it's to give everyone a level playing field. Both Richardson and Dodd have objected to the rule.

    September 9, 2007 at 12:56 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Media, Minority Issues | Permalink


    What about a presidential debate in german, italian, polish? What the hell makes the spanish so f'ing special?

    Posted by: Sick of Spanish | Sep 10, 2007 10:20:23 AM

    No one's stopping any group from organizing a presidential debate and inviting candidates. If you're so hot on a debate in one of these other languages, go ahead and help organize one.

    Univision did and I think it's a great idea. It's time Americans became more comfortable with languages other than English. Citizens all over Europe and many other countries can speak two, three or even four languages.

    Posted by: roadrunner | Sep 10, 2007 10:32:00 AM

    What do you call a person who speaks only one language? American.

    Posted by: Marc | Sep 10, 2007 12:53:08 PM

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