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    Monday, September 17, 2007

    Study This

    Today is Constitution Day. On this date in 1787 the constitutional convention in Philadelphia completed work and signed the document that defines our representative system of government based on checks and balances. You'd never know it watching Bush's "unitary presidency" in action today or by witnessing our members of Congress abdicating their duty to protect the Constitution with such abandon. Maybe we should send an email to them today suggesting they need to refresh their memories by studying this material. I wonder how many of our representatives or citizens have actually read the document and its amendments. Have you?

    Another timely must read for today is by John Nichols of The Nation. He explains how the framers of the Constitution set out to "chain the dogs of war," not set them free. Quote: "The founders would not question for a moment that the Congress has the authority to use the power of the purse to end this war. Indeed, they would argue today as they did in their time, that a failure to do so would imperil the Republic."

    September 17, 2007 at 10:24 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    Thanks for covering this, especially since that document is so threatened today. People might want to go to this event at UNM this afternoon:
    UNM Hosts Third Annual “Constitution Day” Symposium

    For those UNM students, staff and faculty that might have missed Civics class in high school – or might need a brush up on the history and importance of the United States Constitution – take the time to visit the UNM Student Union Building Room Lobo A&B from 2:30-4 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 17. That’s when the University will celebrate “Constitution Day” with a joint symposium with speakers from the School of Law and the College of Arts & Sciences’ Department of History. [more]


    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Sep 17, 2007 11:11:52 AM

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