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    Thursday, September 20, 2007

    MoveOn Ad Vote: Dems Buy Into Repub Framing (Again)

    LemmingsYes, it was very important this morning to stop considering things like troops levels, ending the occupation, civil liberties, restoring the U.S. Constitution, the health care crisis, energy policy, the environmental emergency or anything else with real importance to human beings. Instead the Senate took up a "sense of the Senate" debate on whether MoveOn's BETRAY-US ad was naughty or nice. I'm not kidding you. The amendment to the defense appropriations bill eventually passed by a margin of 72-25 with 3 Senators not voting. Imagine what historians will make of this travesty in years to come.

    Here's the roll call vote. Note the names of way too many Dems in the Yea category. Lemmings all. Even Leahy. I think every single one of them should be grabbed by the collar and made to read George Lakoff's analysis of MoveOn's framing -- and how powerfully successful it is.

    [One positive aspect: Sen. Jeff Bingaman voted against it. Thank you Sen. Bingaman for not playing along with the Republican spin machine and the eternal Republican framing of Democrats -- or anyone else who dares to point out that the emperor has no clothes -- as bad guys.] ***I take back the thank you to Sen. Bingaman contained in the brackets. See my remarks on why in the comments thread below.***

    The thing is, Repub gaming on this is losing power. Even after the prolonged, highly orchestrated and chock-full-o'-distortions dog and pony show by Bush-Petraeus, Bush's favorables went down again in the polling. The numbers for ending the Iraq occupation remained steady or rose. The percentage of Americans who believe we're on the wrong track grew. I guess most Americans have finally caught on that they're being lied to AGAIN and that the administration's PR excuses on foreign policy are nothing but hot air and sleight of hand. Too bad too many Democrats are still in the dark on that or at least afraid to publicly admit it.

    A Lost Opportunity
    The Democrats could have used this lastest example of Republican voodoo-politics-before-the-cameras to point out how wasting time on trivial things when troops and Iraqis are dying is: A) a BETRAYAL of the public trust in elected officials and B) a BETRAYAL of their designated responsibilities as a check on executive power gone mad. Instead, the cowardly Yea voters fell under the spell of their Republican taunters. Do they really think that kowtowing to Bush Bullies will save them from being called names in the future, no matter what they do? Apparently so -- despite it being perfectly clear to just about everyone buth them that their repetitive caving to this same inane maneuvering won't stop the the rightwing mud machine at all. Not one iota. It's what they do.

    Thanks A Lot
    I work very hard every day (without pay) to try and build support for the Democratic cause, along with millions of other people like me all over the country. You know, like the 3+ million who are members of MoveOn. When too many Dems vote like they did today on the MOVE-ON BETRAYAL AMENDMENT, they wash away any good will or support we've managed to build and replace it with disgust, cynicism and, yes, a sense of betrayal in the pool of possible Dem voters. Bush et al. should personally be thanking every Dem who voted for the amendement -- they've done more for the Republican cause today than any registered Republican could hope to do.

    Foot in Mouth Disease
    Of course, as Governor Richardson said yesterday in answer to a question about the MoveOn ad: "Why condemn it? I disagreed with it. Who cares?" he said. "You guys have too much fascination with these groups nobody cares about.” I hate to say it, but perhaps the real mistaken fascination is with Richardson's awkward, foot-in-mouth pursuit of the presidential nomination. Doh.

    PS: Hooray for these Dems, who voted according to their brains, not their irrational, reptilian fears:

    NAYs ---25
    Akaka (D-HI)
    Bingaman (D-NM)
    Boxer (D-CA)
    Brown (D-OH)
    Byrd (D-WV)
    Clinton (D-NY)
    Dodd (D-CT)
    Durbin (D-IL)
    Feingold (D-WI)
    Harkin (D-IA)
    Inouye (D-HI)
    Kennedy (D-MA)
    Kerry (D-MA)
    Lautenberg (D-NJ)
    Levin (D-MI)
    Menendez (D-NJ)
    Murray (D-WA)
    Reed (D-RI)
    Reid (D-NV)
    Rockefeller (D-WV)
    Sanders (I-VT)
    Schumer (D-NY)
    Stabenow (D-MI)
    Whitehouse (D-RI)
    Wyden (D-OR)

    Oh, and shame on every single Republican Senator -- every one of them voted for this sham. Anything to try and distract attention from the utter and miserable failure of their party, their president and their occupation of Iraq.

    September 20, 2007 at 01:26 PM in Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink


    So did obama vote yes?
    this is really unbelievable....
    isnt it just like kerry talking through the man being dragged away from the mic in fla?

    Posted by: mary ellen | Sep 20, 2007 2:47:13 PM

    Obama wasn't there to vote. Convenient. Neither was Biden or Cantwell.

    Also, I have to take it back about Bingaman. He didn't vote for Cornyn's attrocity described above but he did vote for the equally idiotic Boxer amendment. Boxer's essentially says if you wear a uniform you are immune to any questions about your truthfulness or "honor." It's one thing to honor honorable troops but quite another to say that not one military person should ever have their honor challenged regardless of what they say or do. Exact wording:

    "To reaffirm strong support for all the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and to strongly condemn attacks on the honor, integrity, and patriotism of any individual who is serving or has served honorably in the United States Armed Forces, by any person or organization."

    I think Boxer has gone off the deep end, as evidenced by her running to CT to campaign for Lieberman back when Lamont was running against him.

    As for the other Dems, only Feingold voted against Boxer's ditzy amendment. I wonder if they have any idea at all how immature and just plain clueless they appear to American citizens these days. There in Washington refusing to act responsibly on the major issues of the day and wasting time on this total crap for political points. Gotcha! No I got you! Wahhhhhh

    Posted by: > | Sep 20, 2007 3:01:12 PM

    Just to add to everyone's disgust with Democrats today, go read this about how D's aren't even requiring real filibusters from R's on the war measures. Makes it nice and easy for the R's to reject everything the D's propose. At some point you have to question whether the D's really want to end the war or not:


    (You can also click on my name to get to the story)

    Posted by: | Sep 20, 2007 3:11:08 PM

    What a crock. The Repugs vote down fair leave for our troops and stop habeas corpus from being put back into place and the media is all over Move On? Hey Demo-spinless ones you are playing right into their hands!

    The best thing to do is sign Move On's petition and donate a few dollars to the cause:


    I would love to have people run against these DINOs in the primaries wouldn't you?

    Posted by: KR | Sep 20, 2007 3:19:32 PM

    Uh, I don't understand how any empowered and informed members of society could still belong to either the Republican OR Democrat parties?

    I look forward to seeing the US Military Government Media being 'brought to justice' for war crimes against humanity. regards

    Posted by: | Sep 20, 2007 7:14:15 PM

    I have to agree that Boxer's proposal was as juvenile as I have ever seen. Wimp! Wimp! Wimp!

    These members of Congress are clueless. They seem to actually believe that we have not figured out what they are doing.

    Bingaman, if you really stand up we have your back! When you don't you have a problem. Think about it.

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Sep 20, 2007 7:41:27 PM

    I gave Move On $50 today. Their framing is correct. The Repugnant policies are a betrayal of American values, as is their attempted suppression of our Constitutional right to free speech that the troops are putatively in Iraq to defend (yarite!) Sure the ad hominem attack muddies the water. Gen. Petraeus is only W's stooge. W and the Repugnant party are the real villains.

    Posted by: Don Schiff | Sep 21, 2007 1:29:13 AM

    Senator Bingaman was in Alamogordo in August, we had a nice gathering for him with a mixture of Dems and republicans. One man stood up during Q$A and asked the Senator if he would take a message back to his colleagues and the Senator replied "yes" the man went on to say," will you please ask them to grow some nuts" to which I thought with politicians it takes a great deal of manure to grow nuts. I agree with the comments above especially to us grassrooters who have had doors closed in their faces and have been spit on, all while trying to push foward the democratic platform and ideals. While the people we are trying to help disappoint us.More pressure on those dems who care more about corporate support than the people they are actually supposed to represent. Stephanie DuBois

    Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Sep 21, 2007 9:31:38 AM

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