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    Thursday, September 27, 2007

    Join Live Blogging with Martin Heinrich on Kos Today at Noon

    UPDATE: Here's the link to Martin's live blogging diary:
    (keep refreshing the diary when there)
    Martin Heinrich, running to take on Repub Heather Wilson in the NM-01 Congressional race, will be live blogging at the national polical blog Daily Kos today starting at Noon Mountain Time. What this means is he'll launch a user diary at Kos and hang out to respond to your comments and questions entered in the thread. To participate, head over to https://www.DailyKos.com, look on the right-hand sidebar for Heinrich's diary and click on it. If you're registered at Daily Kos you can recommend the diary so it moves up in the rankings and stays on the front page. Any visitor can comment on the thread, and Martin will be there to interact with any and all participants. It's a great way to learn more about Heinrich's campaign and get your questions answered.

    You should also check out Heinrich's totally revamped campaign website and blog, which was launched yesterday. Visit https://www.martinheinrich.com/ and check out all the new tools, info and resources that make it easy to hook up with the campaign and stay current on what's happening. Impressive.

    You can also sign a petition at the website to end the Iraq occupation:

    Heather Wilson has supported George Bush and his War in Iraq every step of the way. Martin Heinrich opposed this ill-conceived war from the beginning and, like a majority of New Mexicans, he believes that it's time for this war to come to an honorable end.

    We, the undersigned, believe that Heather Wilson, George Bush and Dick Cheney have created a quagmire in Iraq. We call upon President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Congresswoman Wilson to show strong support for our troops by beginning to bring them home immediately. We appreciate deeply all the sacrifices our brave men and women make, and we call upon our elected officials to make sure that they are taken care of properly when they return home.

    To read our previous posts on congressional race in NM's first district, visit our archive.

    The third quarter campaign fundraising deadline is September 30th. To help Heinrich show he's got strong support in the district, donate a few bucks at the DFNM Netroots for Heinrich page at ActBlue or contribute via his new website.

    September 27, 2007 at 10:38 AM in Iraq War, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Web/Tech | Permalink


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