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    Thursday, September 06, 2007

    Friday: Campaign Kick Off for Don Wiviott for Senate

    “New Mexicans, no matter what your political views are, we agree that we need a change in Washington. It’s time for a fresh start.  Let’s get our troops out of Iraq, balance the federal budget, and increase our nation’s energy independence through a focus on renewable energy and sustainable building.”

    Meet Don Wiviott
    Don Wiviott, 51, is a community leader and small businessman who builds environmentally-friendly live/work spaces here in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  With a vision of creating diverse, sustainable and green communities where people can both live and work, Don’s award-winning THE LOFTS ™ and the Lofts at Marquez Place are home to over 150 businesses and residents, including numerous artists and technology companies.

    Don serves on the Governor’s “Our Communities, Our Future” Task Force and is Chairman of the Mayor’s Economic Development Review Committee in Santa Fe. He is an active member of the Santa Fe Area Chamber of Commerce, Build Green New Mexico and the Santa Fe Alliance.  Don and his wife, Kelley Owen Wiviott, a prominent realtor, support more than 25 state and local charities, including 1000 Friends of New Mexico, Art Smart, Santa Fe Aids Walk, LENSIC, Warehouse 21, Santa Fe Design Week, Theatre Grottesco and other education, disability, youth, arts and environmental organizations.

    Don worked as a union laborer while earning his B.A. from Dartmouth College and holds an M.B.A. from Harvard. Don and Kelley share their lives with two adult children: Jonathan and Hillary, as well as their dog Scooter.

    September 6, 2007 at 04:31 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


    Sounds a little too "uppity" for me.

    Posted by: | Sep 7, 2007 11:28:55 AM

    Uppity like JFK or FDR? Is that a disqualifier now? The real uppity candidate here is Domenici who votes consistently against the interests of ordinary people.

    I guess you would think that John Edwards is "uppity" too.

    Posted by: | Sep 7, 2007 2:26:22 PM

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