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    Monday, September 17, 2007

    ABQ Cops Bait, Badger, Ticket Peaceful Protestors

    Lots of reports circulating about Saturday's peaceful demonstration against the Iraq occupation near the Truman gate at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque. Mounted police push abruptly into the crowd on the sidewalk. Cops yell out childish insults like "take a bath" and "shave your armpits" at the perfectly legal demonstrators, many of whom were seniors, exercising their first amendment rights. Read all about it.

    One officer with a juvenile taste in messaging shouts "Go Bush" from the loudspeaker of a squad car. Goons ticket only those vehicles that bear bumperstickers on a street where people have often parked during previous demonstrations in the same location, and where no signs prohibiting parking were evident. A man is arrested and held for a long period in a squad car with all the windows closed and no AC.

    Albuquerque police overstep their bounds and acti like boorish louts, even after demonstration organizers had reportedly negotiated and cooperated with law enforcement officials on all aspects of the demonstration.

    Who gave the order to antagonize and bait peaceful protestors this time around? Hey Mayor Marty Chavez, know anything about this? Most all, what are you going to say and do about it? Especially on this day -- Constitution Day? Click to contact Mayor Chavez or members of his staff.

    This isn't professional law enforcement, it's harrassment and mean-spirited, in your face citizen baiting. Public officials take oaths to serve and protect the Constitution, not impose their own particular political prejudices on citizens exercising their rights. Clearly, the perpetrators of this latest law enforcement outrage should be called on it and reprimanded by their superiors, in no uncertain terms, as quickly as is humanly possible. No excuses.

    September 17, 2007 at 01:38 PM in Civil Liberties, Crime, Iraq War | Permalink


    Please let Marty crawl back underthe rock he came from after his mayoral term is up. He doesnt need to be elected to anything ever again.

    Posted by: | Sep 17, 2007 2:12:57 PM

    I think he should be thrown out of the Democratic Party because in no way is he a Democrat any more.

    These demonstrators were teachers and grandmothers and social workers for goodness sakes and even they weren't there is zero excuse for the police acting the way they did.

    Posted by: Peace Now | Sep 17, 2007 4:42:12 PM

    ...And this would be why some people just can't bring themselves to trust the police. Truly sad.

    Posted by: < | Sep 18, 2007 3:10:11 PM

    It is sad. There are many excellent law enforcement personnel but whoever these misbehaving officers are aren't among them. They give the whole force and city a bad name.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Sep 18, 2007 3:23:57 PM

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