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Monday, August 27, 2007
Dem Senate Candidate Wiviott Weighs In On Domenici's Embrace of Bush
There was an article in this morning's Albuquerque Journal about Bush's visit to Albuquerque today to raise money for Sen. Pete Domenici. Unfortunately, they quoted Domenici on his purported views on Iraq but failed to talk to the top Dem contender for the New Mexico seat, Don Wiviott. So I was glad to learn what Don has to say about Domenici still embracing Bush and dodging opportunities to change course on the war. Domenici may make some mild criticisms of the Bush strategy (or lack thereof), but he continues to vote with Bush 100% on the war.
Albuquerque - On the day that President George W. Bush came to New Mexico to raise money for Senator Pete Domenici, the Don Wiviott for U.S. Senate campaign criticized the Washington incumbent for failing to vote to get the United States out of the Iraq War, despite his stated intentions to do so earlier this year.
“Instead of standing up to George Bush, Pete Domenici has continued to vote with him 100% in support of the war and it is no surprise the President is now rewarding him with a million dollar fundraiser.” said Democrat Don Wiviott. “Saying one thing and doing another is apparently a hard habit to break in Washington, DC. I’m running to change all that.”
“I doubt the families of the 31 New Mexicans who have given their lives will understand why Pete Domenici is raising money with this President right now,” said Wiviott. “Is Pete willing to explain to the members of the National Guard from New Mexico, who are stuck in the middle of another country’s civil war, why he continues to publically celebrate his relationship with a President who has mismanaged this war so abysmally.”
This year, Domenici has started talking about pulling our troops out of Iraq but has yet to start voting to do so:
On July 18, 2007, Senator Domenici voted against ending debate on the Levin-Reed amendment, which called for a phased reduction of U.S. troops and a transfer of authority to Iraqi state forces. (Roll Call 252, 2007)
On July 11, 2007, Senator Domenici voted against a Republican amendment that called for limiting the number of troops available for deployment in order to increase the amount of time troops had between missions. (Roll Call 243, 2007)
Wiviott highlighted a report that 50% of the New Mexico National Guard will be deployed to Iraq by 2010, if there are no changes in policy or reduction of troops. (Free New Mexican, Aug. 11, 2007)
“Leaving our National Guard in Iraq indefinitely is leaving New Mexico vulnerable to disaster,” noted Wiviott. “Bring ‘em home.”
Note: If you agree with what Don Wiviott is saying, please contribute to his campaign TODAY to help counteract the Bush fundraising for Domenici. Support the local netroots' BEAT BACK BUSH NEW MEXICO campaign with a donation of any amount. We can't let Domenici be the only candidate getting campaign contributions on the day Alberto Gonzales resigned! Learn more about the BEAT BACK BUSH NEW MEXICO campaign in my previous post.
Photo Credit: M.E.Broderick
August 27, 2007 at 03:45 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Beat Back Bush New Mexico, Democratic Party, Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink