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    Thursday, August 23, 2007

    Vote: NM Program Finalist for Innovative Healthcare Solutions Award

    From Project ECHO:
    The New Mexico-based 'Project ECHO' has just named one of the top 10 finalists in a global online competition called "Disruptive Innovations in Health and Healthcare: Solutions People Want." Founded in 2003 by UNM professors Sanjeev Arora (MD) and Joseph Scaletti (PhD) Project ECHO has been been providing world class health care for hepatitis C patients in remote rural areas and correctional facilities all over New Mexico (using a new twist on the telemedicine idea).

    "Project ECHO: Knowledge Networks for the Treatment of Complex Diseases in Remote, Rural, Underserved Communities" was selected from over 300 proposals in 27 different countries) and, if they win, they plan to expand to treat additional diseases in New Mexico and to help other people start up new clinics in other areas of the US and the developing world.

    Since the subtitle of the competition is "Solutions People Want," the last stage of the competition is an online collaborative public discussion and vote. On August 29th, the top 3 vote-getters will be named as the winners.

    If you'd like to support a New Mexico-based project whose goal is to improve the health and healthcare of all New Mexicans (and the rest of the world), please consider consider casting your vote .

    In addition to Project ECHO, you'll find several other really cool proposals on the changemakers site that are deserving of your votes (you get to vote for a total of three projects)! Thanks for helping us spread the word about this local project poised to have a global impact!

    "Project ECHO: Knowledge Networks for the Treatment of Complex Diseases in Remote, Rural, Underserved Communities"

    Editor's Note: It takes a bit of effort to vote because you have to register and then wait a minute to get an email confirming your registration before you vote, but I think it's worth it, don't you?

    August 23, 2007 at 10:10 AM in Healthcare | Permalink


    That is great!!!!

    Posted by: Charlotte | Aug 26, 2007 8:15:56 PM

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