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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

This Saturday: Fundraiser for Reelection of Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver

Please join us for a fundraiser to keep Maggie Toulouse Oliver as Bernalillo County Clerk:

Where: At the lovely home of Jennifer Conn and Chris Catechis 5733 Guadalupe Trail, Albuquerque - Map

When: Saturday, August 25, 2007, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

$50 Suggested Contribution
Please RSVP to 505.231.2569


Robert Adams, Alexis Blizman and Beth Adams,
Anathea Chino, Jennifer Conn and Chris Catechis,
Matt Farrauto, Chris Garcia, Michael Garcia,
Laura Harris, Marshall Martinez, Michelle Penson,
Matt Rivera, Giovanna Rossi, Christopher Salas,
Laura Sanchez, Carlos Trujillo, DeAnza Valencia


DIRECTIONS TO 5733 GUADALUPE TRAIL: Take I-25 to Montgomery/Montano Exit - Go West on Montano to 4th Street - At 4th Street take a right going North - The very first street on the left (right after Pawn City) is Gene - Take a left on  Gene going west to Guadalupe Trail (it will T with the street) - At Guadalupe Trail take a right - You will see a white wood fence in front of a two story immediately on your left - Immediately afterthat house is a small dirt road we are the second house on the dirt road (5733) - Park anywhere on Guadalupe.

August 22, 2007 at 12:43 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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