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    Saturday, August 18, 2007

    RSVP for NM Wilderness Alliance Grand Opening in Santa Fe


    New Mexico Wilderness Alliance invites you to celebrate the GRAND OPENING of our new Santa Fe Office!

    Thursday, August 23, 2007, 5:00 - 7:30 PM
    341 East Alameda Street, Santa Fe, M 87501

    Come join us for hors d’oeuvres and refreshing beverages. Be a part of history! Call David Ehrman at (505) 216-9719 to let us know you can attend.  Join other NMWA members for this celebration as we grow in the state capitol. Free parking is available at the old St. Vincent’s Hospital parking lot located on Paseo de Peralta between East Palace Avenue and East Alameda Street (a five minute walk). There is no parking at the NMWA office.

    Info on other coming events and actions:

    September 13-15, 2007
    Taos Convention Center, NM

    Educational sessions will address topics ranging from cultural heritage of the night sky, storytelling and star lore, night sky tourism, lighting ordinance efforts, and the impact of artificial lighting upon wildlife and the natural world. Featured and keynote speakers include: Anna Sofaer, Chaco Canyon “sun dagger” discoverer; Alan Hale, co-discoverer of Comet Hale-Bopp; and Robert L. Gent, President of the International Dark-Sky Association

    For the complete three-day conference brochure and on-line registration, please go to www.nmheritage.org or call 505.989.7745. Hosted by the Night Sky Program of the New Mexico Heritage Preservation Alliance (Santa Fe) along with co-sponsor The International Dark-Sky Association (Tucson). Photo: Fajada Butte, Marko Kecman

    A New Way to Help Mexican Wolves
    One of the ongoing battles for Mexican Wolves is convincing the politicians and agencies that people want to see wolves, and convincing reluctant locals that wolf tourism really can help the economy. Now, there’s an easy way to bring home this message. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is offering an opportunity to go out with their wolf biologist, Ellen Heilhecker, as she monitors Mexican wolves in the Gila National Forest.   They will use a lottery system to decide who gets to go – and that’s the opportunity!  We want them to be amazed when 1000 people sign up for the chance. 

    Please help us reach this goal – even if you don’t plan to go looking for lobos.  And if you do win, the cost is $74. Just applying will cost you $6, but believe me that 2-lattes-worth will send a great message about wolves.  And if you do win, you will get to learn how NMDG&F uses radio telemetry equipment, GPS units, and digital trail cameras in keeping track of approximately 15 collared lobos currently in the wild in the state.

    Please go to  www.wildlife.state.nm.us and click on the "Wildlife Adventures" sheep photo at the top of the page. The sign-up process is complicated, and it appears you take pot luck on dates, but this is a really cool deal. The three dates for the adventures are 9/23, 10/13, and 10/20.  Good Luck!

    Santa Fe National Forest needs your input on the Travel Management Rule
    The Rule is intended to limit the use of off road vehicles in the forest. This is your chance to have a say on which trails will be free of noise, exhaust fumes, dust and erosion and which will be reserved for Wildlife and quiet recreation.  Please attend the Public Meetings this week. The forest needs your support!

    JEMEZ SPRINGS: Wednesday August 22nd 6 to 8 PM
    Walatowa Vistor Center
    7413 Hwy 4
    Jemez Pueblo, NM

    ALBUQUERQUE: Thursday August 23rd 6 to 8 PM
    UNM Continuing Education Building
    1634 University Blvd. Room C
    Albuquerque, NM

    For more information call Craig or Scial at 505-843-8696. E-mail craig@nmwild.org  or scial@nmwild.org.

    To receive news alerts from the NM Wilderness Alliance, sign up at the NM Wild Action Center.

    August 18, 2007 at 11:00 AM in Environment, Events | Permalink


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