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Monday, August 20, 2007

ABQ City Council Today: Ragin' Grannies

From the Ragin' Grannies: The Ragin' Grannies will attend the Albuquerque City Council meeting on Monday, August 20th, and introduce a resolution to end the occupation of Iraq. City councils across the country have passed similar resolutions to be on record for opposition to the war and occupation. We'll gather at 5:00 PM in the Council Chambers in the basement of the City/County Bldg. at 5th and Marquette. Three grannies will speak and one will lead a song about the war in Iraq. We welcome all supporters to stand and sing with us. Questions? ellen2736@aol.com

August 20, 2007 at 11:13 AM in Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

ABQ District 6 City Council Candidate Joanie Griffin Masquerading as a Dem

GriffinThis is a must read. Go directly to Coco's post at Duke City Fix and find out how Joanie Griffin, running for City Council in Albuquerque's District 6, has been masquerading as someone she's not and intimating she's received the endorsements of Dem politicos that she hasn't secured. Griffin, a PR and marketing maven who's reportedly the favorite of Mayor Marty Chavez, is running against progressive Rey Garduño and others in Martin Heinrich's district now that Heinrich is running for Congress. Griffin worked as a press person for Mayor Chavez during his 2005 reelection campaign.

Not only does Coco relate that Griffin was a registered Republican for years until changing her voter registration to Democrat in April, a few days before she declared her candidacy, she does a little digging to unearth the fact that Griffin has made generous campaign contributions to the Republican cause. Quote:

... her Republican credentials are pretty hard-core. A check of the Federal Election Commission website (search for "Griffin, Joan", and "Griffin and Associates" in New Mexico) reveals that Griffin is a major donor, contributing a total of $4,200 to the Republican National Committee, the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, and Congresswoman Heather Wilson.

Griffin's website and other campaign materials don't mention her recent conversion from Republican to Democrat (at least on paper), her connection to Mayor Chavez or her past support of the Republican cause. What they do seek to communicate, using the sort of cleverly constructive language common to PR spin, is that prominent Democrats like Gov. Bill Richardson and Martin Heinrich have endorsed her candidacy when they clearly have not. As Coco says:

You have to hand it to Joanie. It's all slickly and shrewdly laid out – the overall context creates an illusion of endorsements by prominent and popular Democrats. But the words don't really say that. They're recommending her ad agency skills, not her candidacy to the voters. Pardon me for saying so, but the packaging is deliciously deceptive.

You have to wonder why a candidate like Griffin would be so ashamed of her Republican orientation that she's done everything in her power to mask it. You also have to wonder why a Democrat like Marty Chavez would apparently annoint her as his choice in the District 6 race when real Democrats are in the running.

As noted on Rey Garduño's blog, Martin Heinrich has publicly endorsed Rey:

“I’m proud to endorse Rey for City Council. I know that he will continue to stand up for our neighborhoods in District 6, and make Albuquerque a better place for us all to live. Please vote for Rey Garduño for City Council on October 2nd.” —MARTIN HEINRICH, Current District 6 City Councilor

Other real Dems and progressive organizations that have endorsed Garduño's campaign include ERIC GRIEGO, Former City Councilor; PAT BACA, Former City Councilor; CISCO MCSORLEY, NM State Senator; ISAAC BENTON, City Councilor; DEBBIE O’MALLEY, City Councilor; MICHAEL CADIGAN, City Councilor; the Hispanic Round Table; AFSCME; and the Central NM Central Labor Council.

Besides Griffin and Garduño, Blair Kauffman, who describes himself as a moderate Democrat, and Kevin Wilson, a Republican, are candidates in District 6. The Albuquerque municipal election is set for October 2, 2007.

Also see the post at on this topic. To read our previous posts on the October 2, 2007 municipal election, check our archive, including our recent post on how Mayor Chavez is working against the reelection of City Council President Debbie O'Malley in District 2.

August 20, 2007 at 09:49 AM in 2007 Albq. Municipal Elections, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (3)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday Bird Blogging: YearlyKos Edition


As you can see above, Sunny the sun conure wants nothing to do with YearlyKos. Even seeing one of our bags of swag from the blogger convention caused him to flee. He was all wet, having just taken a bath, so we thought he might be cool and calm enough to hang out near the dreaded object. We even tried to bribe him to stay near the bag with one of his favorite treats -- a piece of Rice Chex -- but he just grabbed it and flew the coop, wet wings and all.


Bosco the peach-faced lovebird (above) didn't want to pose with anything YK either, but we managed to get a quick shot before he scrambled up Mary Ellen's arm and onto her shoulder, peeping loudly in protest.

Seems both Bosco and Sunny were less than pleased that we were away for 10 days to attend the convention and vacation in my old home town of Chicago. They missed us and all their daily routines. We missed them too, but we arranged for experienced bird sitters to hang out with them, play with them and feed them while we were gone. It went well, all factors considered, but they still wish YearlyKos never happened. Some avians are demanding like that. The parakeets, on the other hand, could have cared less that we were gone. They have each other and, as the old saw says, birds of afeather flock together.


Bosco did agree to pose with one of our anti-Bush-Clinton-regime-themed buttons (there were many versions), but only because he is so opposed to another Clinton administration. He let us know in no uncertain terms that he absolutely refuses to support Hillary in her presidential run. He reminded us that she and Bill promised so much in terms of equality under the law for lovebirds, but failed to deliver. We know how he feels. (Click on photos for larger images.)

August 19, 2007 at 12:19 PM in Bird Blogging, Visuals, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Time Waster of the Day

Since it's Saturday ... go ahead, you know you want to try it!
(h/t Suburban Guerilla)

August 18, 2007 at 03:31 PM in Visuals | Permalink | Comments (3)

Check Out NM Black Expo August 24-25

From the NM Office of African-American Affairs:
The Inaugural New Mexico Black Expo 2007, "The African-American Experience in New Mexico," will be held in Albuquerque on August 24-25, presented by the NM Office of African-American Affairs and cosponsored by Isshin Ryu Club Inc.

This event will promote the Black Experience in the state. On Friday evening, at 6:00 PM, Ms. Gianni North, and African American writer and filmmaker, will show her film on HIV-AIDS in the Black community. A short question and answer period will follow. A panel of statewide community representatives will discuss “Issues in the Black Community”. The location is the newly opened African American Performing Arts Center and Exhibit Hall at 310 San Pedro NE on the State Fair Grounds.

Starting at 10:00 AM on Saturday morning at Civic Plaza, there will be vendors, informational booths, speakers, food, and live entertainment. Health screenings, arts and crafts, and voter registration will also be part of the activities. The Expo will conclude at 7:00 PM. Here's a DETAILED SCHEDULE:

PLEASE DISTRIBUTE attached flyer:

Friday, Night (August 24th, 6 PM - 9 PM, African American Performing Arts Center, State EXPO Fairgrounds)

6:00 PM: Film - Affected: The AIDS Project By Gianni-Amber North

6:30 PM: Film Discussion with Writer/Director Gianni-Amber North and Kenneth Winfrey

7:00 PM: Community Panel Discussion: "Contemporary Black Issues in New Mexico "

  • Phyllis Hubbard D.D., Ayurvedic Practitioner and N.D. Pending (Albuquerque, NM)
  • Dr. Nancy Lopez, Professor of Sociology, UNM, Author of Hopeful Girls, Troubled Boys: Race and Gender Disparity in Urban Education
  • Festus Addo-Yobo, Black Programs Director, NMSU (Las Cruces, NM)
  • Gloria Brown-Lopez & Child, Parent, Graduate Student & Professor NMHU (Las Vegas, NM)
  • Kenneth Winfrey, Artists, Activist, Web/Graphics Guru (Albuquerque, NM)
  • Sylvester Stanley, Gallup Police Department (Gallup, NM)
  • Barbara Laval, National Science Education Institute for Excellence in Astrobiology and Astrophysics, UCLA (Los Angeles, CA)


9:00 PM: End (Promote Saturday Activities)

Saturday (August 25th, 10 AM - 7 PM, Civic Plaza, Downtown Albuquerque)

Vendors are set up and open for business and the informational tables are on hand

Main Stage

10:00 AM: Parental Advisory (Education w/ David Gregory Cox, Mary Juzang & Jasper Mathews)

11:15 AM: Fiscal Responsibility in the Black Community (Finance w/ Ron Hinson & Gerald Watson)

12:00 PM: OFFICIAL START OF CEREMONY: Dr. Harold Bailey-Open/ Eugene Pickett-Drums/Dr. Sina Aurelia Soul-Both National Anthems

12:30 PM: New Mexico Mass Choir (Music)

1:00 PM: Macedonia Youth Drill Team (Step Team)

1:30 PM: Steven Harrison (Music)

2:00 PM: Chris Dracup (Music)

2:30 PM: Voices of Angels (African Refugees) (Song)

3:00 PM: Eulogistic Alliance (Music)

3:30 PM: Poetry Interlude (Grace, Jazz Cuffee, Yagazi) (Poetry)

4:00 PM: Phocus (Music)

4:30 PM: Isshin Ryu (Martial Arts Demonstration)

5:00 PM: Sweet Life (Music)

5:30 PM: JMAR (Music)

6:00 PM: Dr. Bailey, Closing Remarks

More Info:
Hakim Bellamy
Social and Community Programs Coordinator
New Mexico State Office of African American Affairs
1015 Tijeras NW, Suite 102
Albuquerque , NM 87102
Office: (505) 222-9442
Toll Free: (866) 747-6935
Fax: (505) 222-9489
E-mail: edwardh.bellamy@state.nm.us

August 18, 2007 at 01:04 PM in Events, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

RSVP for NM Wilderness Alliance Grand Opening in Santa Fe


New Mexico Wilderness Alliance invites you to celebrate the GRAND OPENING of our new Santa Fe Office!

Thursday, August 23, 2007, 5:00 - 7:30 PM
341 East Alameda Street, Santa Fe, M 87501

Come join us for hors d’oeuvres and refreshing beverages. Be a part of history! Call David Ehrman at (505) 216-9719 to let us know you can attend.  Join other NMWA members for this celebration as we grow in the state capitol. Free parking is available at the old St. Vincent’s Hospital parking lot located on Paseo de Peralta between East Palace Avenue and East Alameda Street (a five minute walk). There is no parking at the NMWA office.

Info on other coming events and actions:

September 13-15, 2007
Taos Convention Center, NM

Educational sessions will address topics ranging from cultural heritage of the night sky, storytelling and star lore, night sky tourism, lighting ordinance efforts, and the impact of artificial lighting upon wildlife and the natural world. Featured and keynote speakers include: Anna Sofaer, Chaco Canyon “sun dagger” discoverer; Alan Hale, co-discoverer of Comet Hale-Bopp; and Robert L. Gent, President of the International Dark-Sky Association

For the complete three-day conference brochure and on-line registration, please go to www.nmheritage.org or call 505.989.7745. Hosted by the Night Sky Program of the New Mexico Heritage Preservation Alliance (Santa Fe) along with co-sponsor The International Dark-Sky Association (Tucson). Photo: Fajada Butte, Marko Kecman

A New Way to Help Mexican Wolves
One of the ongoing battles for Mexican Wolves is convincing the politicians and agencies that people want to see wolves, and convincing reluctant locals that wolf tourism really can help the economy. Now, there’s an easy way to bring home this message. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is offering an opportunity to go out with their wolf biologist, Ellen Heilhecker, as she monitors Mexican wolves in the Gila National Forest.   They will use a lottery system to decide who gets to go – and that’s the opportunity!  We want them to be amazed when 1000 people sign up for the chance. 

Please help us reach this goal – even if you don’t plan to go looking for lobos.  And if you do win, the cost is $74. Just applying will cost you $6, but believe me that 2-lattes-worth will send a great message about wolves.  And if you do win, you will get to learn how NMDG&F uses radio telemetry equipment, GPS units, and digital trail cameras in keeping track of approximately 15 collared lobos currently in the wild in the state.

Please go to  www.wildlife.state.nm.us and click on the "Wildlife Adventures" sheep photo at the top of the page. The sign-up process is complicated, and it appears you take pot luck on dates, but this is a really cool deal. The three dates for the adventures are 9/23, 10/13, and 10/20.  Good Luck!

Santa Fe National Forest needs your input on the Travel Management Rule
The Rule is intended to limit the use of off road vehicles in the forest. This is your chance to have a say on which trails will be free of noise, exhaust fumes, dust and erosion and which will be reserved for Wildlife and quiet recreation.  Please attend the Public Meetings this week. The forest needs your support!

JEMEZ SPRINGS: Wednesday August 22nd 6 to 8 PM
Walatowa Vistor Center
7413 Hwy 4
Jemez Pueblo, NM

ALBUQUERQUE: Thursday August 23rd 6 to 8 PM
UNM Continuing Education Building
1634 University Blvd. Room C
Albuquerque, NM

For more information call Craig or Scial at 505-843-8696. E-mail craig@nmwild.org  or scial@nmwild.org.

To receive news alerts from the NM Wilderness Alliance, sign up at the NM Wild Action Center.

August 18, 2007 at 11:00 AM in Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Fired U.S. Attorney David Iglesias Signs Book Deal

This can't hurt Dems' chances against Pete Domenici and Heather Wilson. According to TPMmuckraker:

The book promises to focus on Iglesias' experiences as a U.S. attorney in the Bush administration and his role in the scandal, before and after the firing. It's anticipated to be released in April, 2008.

Also, we hear that the book will spend some time discussing Iglesias' handling of voter fraud cases -- how the administration directed Iglesias' focus on the issue, and how that direction made Iglesias uncomfortable. Remember that Republicans all the way on up to Karl Rove and President Bush were frustrated with Iglesias' failure to indict liberals for alleged instances of voter fraud. Apparently Iglesias was no stranger to such pressure.

August 17, 2007 at 11:58 AM in Books, Crime, Election Reform & Voting, Ethics & Campaign Reform, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (2)

Iraq Summer: Cheney in Albuquerque

Here's the latest video from the Iraq Summer campaign showing demonstrators confronting Dick Cheney's motorcade as he arrives for his speech on August 6th at the Albuquerque Marriott to the Marine Corps League. Cheney stuck with the same tired Republican talking points on why we must "stay the course" and keep our troops in Iraq despite the evident failure of Bush's "surge" to improve chances for a needed political settlement or regional strategic policy initiative.

Despite Sen. Pete Domenici's alleged "break" from the Bush administration's failed war tactics, he continues to parrot the right-wing party line on the war, as his words in the video make clear. At a July 21st fundraiser in Albuquerque attended by an Iraq Summer activist, Domenici stated unequivocably that "we don't intend to leave the area" and that he fully supports a long-term occupation of Iraq and the region "for many years."

We need to push Sen. Pete Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson to make a REAL break with Bush and take a stand to end this failed war based on lies and incompetence. To make your voice heard, we hope you'll participate in the coming Take A Stand Day on August 28th at 7 PM at the University of New Mexico's Continuing Education Auditorium at 1634 University Blvd NE in Albuquerque. More details soon. Send an email to NewMexicoFD@iraqsummer.org to get on their email list and stay current on upcoming actions.

August 17, 2007 at 10:37 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Iraq War, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Native Cinema Showcase in Santa Fe This Weekend


From the Center for Contemporary Arts:
Now in its seventh year, this celebration of indigenous media arts features groundbreaking films and videos by and about Native people. From classics to the best new works, these films celebrate innovation, challenging the persistent pop-culture misrepresentations of indigenous peoples. The showcase offers filmmakers a venue during the renowned Santa Fe Indian Market, the world's largest exhibit for indigenous artists, and provides an opportunity to advance dialogue about the essential issues facing Native communities.

The showcase is produced by the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) and the Center for Contemporary Arts (CCA) Cinematheque in cooperation with the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, the Institute of American Indian Arts, the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, and the Gary Farmer Gallery of Contemporary Art.


6:30PM - Best of Sami Film Festival
8:15PM - Water Flowing Together

2:30PM - Weaving Worlds
5:00PM - Journals of Knud Rasmussen
7:30PM - Imprint

3:00PM - Cocalero
5:30PM - Trudell

Visit the to download a program and get more info. Tickets: All shows, unless otherwise noted:

  • $8.50 general admission
  • $7.50 CCA and NMAI members, students, and seniors
  • $7 student and senior members
  • $50/$40 Festival Pass, includes priority admission to all films and Opening Night Party

Box Office: Call 505-982-1338, or visit the Center for Contemporary Arts, 1050 Old Pecos Trail. Info: Call 505-982-1338 or visit www.ccasantafe.org.

Click for more info on the Santa Fe Indian Market in Santa Fe this weekend.

August 17, 2007 at 08:37 AM in Film, Native Americans | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Guest Blog: Senator Bingaman, You Work for Us Summer Tour

This is a guest blog by Barbara Grothus, sending along a report from a small group of grassroots activists who requested a meeting with Senator Jeff Bingaman, and who had an opportunity to sit down with him this past Monday in Albuquerque for a productive discussion. It's cross-posted at Firedoglake as an excellent example of using their You Work for Us Summer Tour idea.

Our small group met with Senator Bingaman at a chain restaurant near the airport where he was between flights to small NM towns.  He arrived with a fact sheet designed to dispel the Republican Main-Stream-Media Talking Point that we have a "Do-Nothing Congress."  The list of legislation passed and signed, passed and waiting to be signed, and passed in both houses but awaiting completion of conference reports is impressive.  Unfortunately, the list of legislation passed AND SIGNED was quite short, making it clear that we need more than a marginal Democratic majority if we hope to see significant change.

Senator Bingaman was very clear that the agenda has certainly been changed by the Democratic Congress.  Under bare-bones Democratic control, there have been significant legislative accomplishments on behalf of students and children (higher education, head start, student loans, health insurance), workers (raise in minimum wage), small businesses (tax relief), the environment and energy (renewables, efficiency, biofuels), implementation of 9-11 Commission Recommendations, more benefits for war vets, significant ethics reform, and support for research and development (from the National Labs to schools) to increase America's competitive edge. 

Our group is aware that the 110th Congress has been productive with some very good legislation, including ethics reform, however, we were more interested in discussing our disappointment that the message sent by the voters last November has failed to penetrate the Washington bubble.

Our representative from Voter Action had prepared his own handout for the Senator on the disaster of Senator Feinstein's pathetic attempt at voting protection.  In contrast, the superior bill HB 811 (Holt) needs sponsors in the Senate.  Paul emphasized the strong (paper, verifiable) and weak (audit needs improvement) elements of New Mexico's voting reforms, and he encouraged Senator Bingaman to become a Senate sponsor of S.559, the Senate version of the Holt bill.

We had a great opportunity to press Senator Bingaman over issues like FISA.  What happened?  Was it leadership failure?  How did this get the support of 16 Democratic Senators?

In brief, it appears that being called "unpatriotic" and "soft on terror" is more terrifying to some elected officials than the loss of habeas corpus.  Further, the 6 month limit and legislative weariness (August break) compelled many to vote for the FISA bill. 

We discussed the criminal activity throughout the executive branch, subpoenas, and especially the failure of Democrats to create and always use effective talking points to counter the prevailing message of the Republican-controlled corporate media. We suggested that the Democrats adopt the strategy of attacking perceived Republican strengths: for example when the Republicans accuse the Democrats of being weak on national defense, instead of denying the charge, the Democrats should strike back by pointing out that the US spends more on national defense than all the rest of the world combined. This does contribute to national security, but it is national lunacy, because it results in wrong-headed budgets that leave us fatally vulnerable to collapsed bridges, not to mention lost cities from breached levees, an unimaginable horror from which there remains no recovery.

Raul Torrez, an Assistant Attorney General noted that along with our failing infrastructure, all the resources--time, energy, money--that are being consumed by Iraq and necessary investigations of the Executive Branch results in practically no resources available to deal effectively with other pressing domestic problems such as a growing methamphetamine epidemic. 

What the people want most is to end the war and to have universal single-payer health care.  With regard to the war, we emphasized that Democrats want to see some strong indications of push-back against the Republican policy of continuing the war indefinitely.  The Democratic base would be energized, even though the votes aren't there yet.  As one of our group said, "We have your back".

The bottom line on the war (as with all legislation) is that we need 60 votes in the Senate.  A campaign to influence some Senators who have been unwilling to cross the President is the only hope.  Senator Domenici, you work for us. We need to talk.

Editor's Note: This is a guest blog by Barbara Grothus. Guest blogs provide our readers with an opportunity to express their views on relevant political topics and may or may not represent our views. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

August 16, 2007 at 06:00 PM in Current Affairs, Guest Blogger, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (4)