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Sunday, August 26, 2007

(Updated) Monday: Honk to Impeach Bush-Lights On for Impeachment

UPDATE: Event changes: Folks should meet at 8:00 AM to about 9:15 AM at Comanche and Carlisle (KOAT TV, Channel 7). Click for .

From Committee to Elect Jason Call:

Proposed intersections: Yale & Gibson SE, Montgomery & San Mateo NE, Paseo Del Norte & I-25, Ellison and Coors By-pass NW, 4th & Montano NW, Rio Bravo & Isleta, Louisiana & Menaul, others to be added.

For more information contact: Committee to Elect Jason Call, US Cong. 1st Dist. NM Email: Jason@Call4Democracy.org or visit www.Call4Democracy.org

Editor's Note: For other actions on Sunday, August 25 and on Monday, August 26th related to Bush's visit to Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, see this post.

August 26, 2007 at 01:08 PM in Events, Impeachment, Local Politics | Permalink


Good for him. So many Democratic politicians mouth opposition to the war, but few still actually stick their necks out to try to end it. Of the other Democrats running for the nomination, how do we know they really opposed the war, from the very beginning, instead of raking in the chips now that it's safe to say you're against the war? Is there any evidence that Heinrich, who will probably get the nod, actively opposed the war in 2002, when it took guts to speak up? What about the others? Anyone know?

Posted by: Just Wondering | Aug 26, 2007 2:25:22 PM

What happened? WHERE WAS EVERYONE THIS MORNING? A couple of us went to Rio Grande and Green Valley, having no idea about the last minute change of location. There wasn't a soul there. We then went to two of the intersections listed for the protest and no one was at either one. We went to a lot of work making signs and badges, but we certainly didn't want to embarrass the Democrats and liberals of Albuquerque by doing our own two-person protest and having the news say how few people turned out to rally against B*sh's visit. How totally disappointing.

Posted by: ImpeachTheShrub | Aug 27, 2007 9:43:52 AM

They may have moved as it's rumored Bush is taking the back way via Fourth Street to Green Valley and then to the home

Posted by: No More Bush | Aug 27, 2007 11:36:45 AM

I don't know where the Impeach commenter was but there were more than 100 people on Rio Grande about a mile north of the Los Ranchos village hall - and that was pretty early on. About 20 were from Code Pink and they stuck out. Lots of media and photographers there too. And I hear there were others over on Paseo etc.

Posted by: barb | Aug 27, 2007 2:08:53 PM

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