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    Friday, August 31, 2007

    Young Voters: Get on the Bus for Change

    From the The League of Young Voters-Albuquerque:
    The League of Young Voters is embarking on a new journey to educate, empower and inspire young people. We are reclaiming Democracy for our generation!

    Introducing the Bus for Change! Starting August 18th we've been going to go into the community on a grassroots level to begin knocking on the door's of young voters to talk to them about the War, Climate Change and Ethics. So why is this so important?? Because a young educated voter base is a force to be reckoned with! The Bus for Change is the vehicle, literally and figuratively for taking back power in our communities. And we're doing all this because what's more sexy than politics? Only a bus full of young people flexing on the powers that be. That's what! So if you're down for the cause - Get on the Bus for Change!

    Bus for Change Clean Connection Campaign! For years big land developers have been contributing thousands of dollars to elect politicians who support sprawl developments. This haphazard development has not only increased traffic in our city but also contributed tons of carbon emissions into our atmosphere.

    The Bus for Change kicked off our Clean Connection Campaign August 18, to educate other young people on this link between climate change and the local policies that have global repercussions like uncontrolled sprawl. Together we can send a message that sprawl growth is unnacceptable for our city and for the health of the planet. And that young people are tired of developers running things at the expense of our communities.

    Help us Make the Clean Connection with other young people. We need you to volunteer your time to make a difference for our city and our planet. Click for a schedule of volunteer events.

    For more info: 505/242.4036, busforchange@gmail.com

    August 31, 2007 at 11:08 AM in Energy, Environment, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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