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    Friday, August 17, 2007

    Fired U.S. Attorney David Iglesias Signs Book Deal

    This can't hurt Dems' chances against Pete Domenici and Heather Wilson. According to TPMmuckraker:

    The book promises to focus on Iglesias' experiences as a U.S. attorney in the Bush administration and his role in the scandal, before and after the firing. It's anticipated to be released in April, 2008.

    Also, we hear that the book will spend some time discussing Iglesias' handling of voter fraud cases -- how the administration directed Iglesias' focus on the issue, and how that direction made Iglesias uncomfortable. Remember that Republicans all the way on up to Karl Rove and President Bush were frustrated with Iglesias' failure to indict liberals for alleged instances of voter fraud. Apparently Iglesias was no stranger to such pressure.

    August 17, 2007 at 11:58 AM in Books, Crime, Election Reform & Voting, Ethics & Campaign Reform, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink


    Guaranteed, the NM GOP and their cheerleaders will say how this is just an example of how Iglesias is just whoring for attention and how he just has an axe to grind with the White House and DOJ.

    Ignoring the fact that he was actually fired for no reason.

    Posted by:

    Sure the Repugs will say that but they'll say that no matter what he does just like they say we are weak on security and soft on terrorism no matter what we do. We need to do what's right and to hell with what they say.

    Posted by: I Vote | Aug 17, 2007 6:05:10 PM

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