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    Saturday, August 18, 2007

    Check Out NM Black Expo August 24-25

    From the NM Office of African-American Affairs:
    The Inaugural New Mexico Black Expo 2007, "The African-American Experience in New Mexico," will be held in Albuquerque on August 24-25, presented by the NM Office of African-American Affairs and cosponsored by Isshin Ryu Club Inc.

    This event will promote the Black Experience in the state. On Friday evening, at 6:00 PM, Ms. Gianni North, and African American writer and filmmaker, will show her film on HIV-AIDS in the Black community. A short question and answer period will follow. A panel of statewide community representatives will discuss “Issues in the Black Community”. The location is the newly opened African American Performing Arts Center and Exhibit Hall at 310 San Pedro NE on the State Fair Grounds.

    Starting at 10:00 AM on Saturday morning at Civic Plaza, there will be vendors, informational booths, speakers, food, and live entertainment. Health screenings, arts and crafts, and voter registration will also be part of the activities. The Expo will conclude at 7:00 PM. Here's a DETAILED SCHEDULE:

    PLEASE DISTRIBUTE attached flyer:

    Friday, Night (August 24th, 6 PM - 9 PM, African American Performing Arts Center, State EXPO Fairgrounds)

    6:00 PM: Film - Affected: The AIDS Project By Gianni-Amber North

    6:30 PM: Film Discussion with Writer/Director Gianni-Amber North and Kenneth Winfrey

    7:00 PM: Community Panel Discussion: "Contemporary Black Issues in New Mexico "


    9:00 PM: End (Promote Saturday Activities)

    Saturday (August 25th, 10 AM - 7 PM, Civic Plaza, Downtown Albuquerque)

    Vendors are set up and open for business and the informational tables are on hand

    Main Stage

    10:00 AM: Parental Advisory (Education w/ David Gregory Cox, Mary Juzang & Jasper Mathews)

    11:15 AM: Fiscal Responsibility in the Black Community (Finance w/ Ron Hinson & Gerald Watson)

    12:00 PM: OFFICIAL START OF CEREMONY: Dr. Harold Bailey-Open/ Eugene Pickett-Drums/Dr. Sina Aurelia Soul-Both National Anthems

    12:30 PM: New Mexico Mass Choir (Music)

    1:00 PM: Macedonia Youth Drill Team (Step Team)

    1:30 PM: Steven Harrison (Music)

    2:00 PM: Chris Dracup (Music)

    2:30 PM: Voices of Angels (African Refugees) (Song)

    3:00 PM: Eulogistic Alliance (Music)

    3:30 PM: Poetry Interlude (Grace, Jazz Cuffee, Yagazi) (Poetry)

    4:00 PM: Phocus (Music)

    4:30 PM: Isshin Ryu (Martial Arts Demonstration)

    5:00 PM: Sweet Life (Music)

    5:30 PM: JMAR (Music)

    6:00 PM: Dr. Bailey, Closing Remarks

    More Info:
    Hakim Bellamy
    Social and Community Programs Coordinator
    New Mexico State Office of African American Affairs
    1015 Tijeras NW, Suite 102
    Albuquerque , NM 87102
    Office: (505) 222-9442
    Toll Free: (866) 747-6935
    Fax: (505) 222-9489
    E-mail: edwardh.bellamy@state.nm.us

    August 18, 2007 at 01:04 PM in Events, Minority Issues | Permalink


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