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    Sunday, July 15, 2007

    What's Goin' On While Congress and The Commander Do the Politico Shuffle

    We'll never see this on anything to do with the American mainstream media. Good thing, since so many of our dishonorable, dishonest, cold-blooded politicos think it's just fine to wait until September to get out of Iraq, or maybe next year, or perhaps 2009, or even decades down the road. Or is it widening and eternal war that's on our horizon? We wouldn't want the media to show the American people what's really happening on the ground in Iraq. They'd be even madder than they are today. Not that it matters much to those in power and those who allow them to stay in power.

    What we've got is one political party full of pseudo-power and oil addicts and another political party too full of enablers and go-alongs. I mean, they don't even make adjustments in response to poll results anymore, except maybe in terms of their half-hearted rhetoric. Most of our political "leaders" and "representatives" seem to be residing in a bubble, apart from the passions of the people and the suffering they are prolonging. Lip service is the order of the day.

    But then, you all know that. What needs to be found is some way to stop them on their unrelenting descent into unconstitutional and unconscionable madness in almost every area of endeavor, from foreign policy to health care to the environement to the economy and beyond. So much is broken, but widespread denial brings only paralysis and business as usual attitudes. Out here, we're sensing and often experiencing real emergencies and a profound sense of foreboding. But inside the privileged status quo it's still the same as it ever was -- sloganeering and posturing seems enough. When will the bubble break? And what will happen then? So much depends on us, yet many of us have rarely felt so helpless. And time is running out. What can we do?

    July 15, 2007 at 11:48 AM in Candidates & Races, Current Affairs, Democratic Party, Iran, Iraq War | Permalink


    That's the question - what can we do? We write letters, hold demonstrations, contact politicians, educate people, walk door to door, vote, etc. etc. They don't listen. Period. Because we aren't handing them cartons of campaign cash. They pretend to be on our side but it gets clearer by the day they are out for their own power and doing the dirty work of the wealthy elites.

    Posted by: Wm. B. | Jul 15, 2007 7:25:05 PM

    Unless our candidates start taking the war and the threat to our constitution seriously, I will vote for a third party candidate for president. What else can we do if the Democrats won't represent the will of the people?

    Posted by: | Jul 15, 2007 11:26:32 PM

    It pains me to see how really off base the Democratic leadership has gone. Who are they representing? They shouldn't take our votes for granted in 2008. I've been a Democrat all my life but I won't continue to support those who end up working against the core values of the people. I know there are millions like me all over the country.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jul 16, 2007 12:15:47 PM

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