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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sign On to Support NM Health Security Act

From Terry Riley of What If You Knew-NM:
Recently there have been many posts here regarding health care coverage/insurance. The NM state legislature deferred action during the last legislative session on the NM Health Security Act because they had commissioned a study of three health care finance reform models. The study has been released and the findings are that the Health Security Act is the least expensive plan, the Health Security Act does not "miss" certain groups of individuals(1), and the Health Security Act will not require a tax increase.

The Governor's Health Coverage Committee took the typical politicians' response and is indicating that rather than to take the recommendation of the $320,000 Mathematica Study they will put together some conglomeration of the three proposed plans to "solve" our health care crisis. Governor Bill Richardson has stated that he will support no plan that does not include health insurance companies. How do we solve the problem when we lock the fox inside the hen house?

I would like to ask anybody and everybody who can to please go to my web site which is:  www.whatifyouknew-nm.com.

There you can get tremendous details regarding the three plans, you can read the Health Security Act as it was presented to the Legislature this last session, the Mathematica Study, several supporting studies, etc.  You can also join with me to bring the Health Security Act to New Mexico in the 2008 Legislative Session.

Knowing that there is a problem does not help anybody.  Joining an organization that is working to solve the problem can increase the chances that the problem will be solved!

Terry Riley

(1) People who are homeless due to domestic abuse are not covered by either the Health Choices plan, the Health Coverage Plan or under our current coverages.

July 26, 2007 at 10:56 AM in Healthcare | Permalink



Does the NMHCA allow for private insurance? Most countries, except Cuba, with universal health care have the provision to allow individuals to purchase additional health care insurance, is this available under the NMHCA?

Posted by: | Aug 9, 2007 9:24:25 AM

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