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    Thursday, July 05, 2007

    NM Dem Response to Domenici Turnabout on Iraq

    From the Democratic Party of New Mexico in response to Sen. Domenici's announcement today about his sudden change in position on Iraq (or at least the appearance of one):

    Albuquerque – Today, Pete Domenici’s election season political makeover began in earnest at a press conference where Domenici argued that he is changing his position on the disastrous war in Iraq.

    “Bush's War in Iraq continues to be a colossal mistake based on misleading information and false pretenses.  Why did over 3500 American military servicemen and servicewoman, including more than 30 of New Mexico's own, need to die?  Why was $440 billion spent before Senator Domenici could acknowledge what Senator Bingaman and Congressman Udall realized more than four years ago?” asked Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman Brian S. Colón.”

    Chairman Colón continued, “I have another important question for Senator Domenici to add to the list of our concerns to which he has failed to respond in the past:  When the U.S. Senate reconvenes, will your rhetoric be backed by meaningful legislative action, or is this just another attempt at a re-election conversion in response to your lowest poll ratings in decades?"

    The 75 year old Domenici, mired in a scandal resulting from the politically-motivated firing of the U.S. Attorney in New Mexico, is facing the toughest re-election campaign in his lifetime.  He refuses to answer questions, is enduring a precipitous drop in his approval ratings, has hired a high-powered criminal lawyer to defend his actions before a U.S. Senate ethics investigation and is rumored to be considering retirement.

    Pete Domenici has been a loyal rubberstamp of the Bush Administration and in issue after issue has voted for the misplaced Republican priorities over the interests of New Mexicans.

    Editor's Note: See our previous post on this story.

    July 5, 2007 at 05:11 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink


    Brian nails it!

    Posted by: El Norte | Jul 5, 2007 5:33:49 PM

    "Pete Domenici has been a loyal rubber stamp of the Bush Administration" Pajama Pete has ignored his constituency to be that rubber stamp, its time to ignore him with a vote for some other candidate and wish Pete an enjoyable retirement.

    Posted by: VP | Jul 6, 2007 7:13:23 AM

    Knowing the extent of the unpopularity of the Iraq war, and knowing that a Senate seat has become vulnerable, the Rep have given Sen. Domenici PERMISSION to take a more "moderate" stance on the war. The Reps know that even sacrificing a few votes to protect seats, that they still have the votes to stymie any Democratic efforts to do the will of the majority.
    Heather Wilson pulls this same sorta shit all the time.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 6, 2007 1:07:48 PM

    They really don't care about anything other than protecting their power and the money of their donors, do they!

    Posted by: I Vote | Jul 6, 2007 4:19:48 PM

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