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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

NM Blog Radio Returns Featuring Heather Brewer and EMERGE NM

Brewer1_2From NM Blog Radio host Suzanne Prescott: The New Mexico Blog Radio show this Thursday is all about EMERGE New Mexico, a program which brings talented women Democrats into the political arena from across the state. After a rigorous 7-month training program women emerge ready for political campaign action. Heather Brewer debuts as the host of this New Mexico Blog radio show and introduces us to guests Anathea Chino, EMERGE Board President Elect; Michelle Mares, Field Director for Diane Denish and EMERGE Grad; and Mercy Berman, UNM student and current EMERGE participant. They'll explore the roots of the program, the network of EMERGE graduates now spread across New Mexico, and some exciting campaign possibilities that lie ahead.

Help EMERGE Raise Funds Just by Listening
A unique feature of the show will be fundraising for EMERGE. Heather Brewer describes the fundraising effort, "We're excited about the chance to tell people what EMERGE New Mexico is all about and raise money at the same time. We have pledges that will guarantee a dollar for every listener who visits the show online when it airs on Thursday at 11AM Mountain Time and half a dollar for everyone who listens to the show podcast archive during the week following the show. It's a great opportunity for a great program."

Here's how to catch the show.

For more information call Heather Brewer at (505) 310-5957 or Suzanne Prescott at (505) 304-3960. Tell your friends to listen to the show. Learn about and support EMERGE NEW MEXICO at the same time.

Editor's Note: You can listen to or download archived versions of previous NM Blog Radio shows at the show's website. Check out a few of our previous posts about New Mexico Blog Radio:

July 17, 2007 at 01:06 PM in Democratic Party, Local Politics, Media, Web/Tech | Permalink


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