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    Thursday, July 19, 2007

    July 24: Celebrate NM's Statewide Boost to Minimum Wage


    You're Invited

    Please Join

    Americans United for Change, Elected Officials, Labor Leaders, and Community Activists to

    Celebrate New Mexico's First Statewide Boost to the Minimum Wage in a Decade

    We've lead the way with state and local increases

    And now Congress has followed:

    Thanks to Sen. Bingaman and Rep. Udall and new leadership in Congress, ALL NM workers are finally getting a raise after ten long years on July 24, 2007

    Tuesday, July 24th at 3:00 PM
    Downtown Flying Star Cafe
    Upstairs Meeting Room
    723 Silver Ave SW, Albuquerque

    Hear from Elected Officials, Labor Leaders and Community Activists that have long fought for a federal increase and our local increases.

    Refreshments will be served.

    Please RSVP to joshgeise@aol.com or 505-603-1067

    July 19, 2007 at 04:00 PM in Economy, Populism, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


    Face the despair of the 42 year old man trying the feed his family making less than 9.50 an hour. You don't have to look far. He is likely to be a municipal worker taking care of the deep well pumps that provide water to the community. Nothing more critical to civilization than the plumbing.Yet these are the sorts of hard-working dudes whose fathers made a decent living for their families doing the same vital work.
    Take 400.00 to 500.00 out of the paycheck monthly for health insurance and the man brings home less than a thousand per month.
    Nobody in the family can go to the doctor because the co-pay costs a weeks worth of groceries.
    Housing costs 600.00 to 800.00 per month. If mom works, childcare can run 300.00 to 500.00 per month per child. The Dude makes too much money for food stamps especially if his wife works.
    The so called progressives are pissing against the wind in the face of the the deep disparity for rewarding work with a decent standard of living.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 19, 2007 6:45:35 PM

    Better to achieve something than nothing. Of course much more dramatic changes need to be made in our economy but in the meantime raising the minimum wage even a little is some help to some people. Why blame progressives? It's the "centrist" corporatists who love "free" trade and an unregulated economy so much.

    Posted by: JLC | Jul 20, 2007 6:25:31 PM

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