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    Thursday, July 26, 2007

    In the Good News Department - Literally

    Have you heard about The Real News, a new plan to build the world's first global independent news network -- without funding from governments, corporations or advertising? Be sure to watch the entire video above and check out their site at TheRealNews.com.

    They're only at the Beta stage but they plan to eventually offer a full service international news service on the web and and an hour-long TV newscast. They need seed money now to create their web news service, and plan to start their TV show in time to cover the 2008 election. I signed up as a supporter and I hope you'll join me and pass this info on. If this isn't worth $10 a month or however much you can give, I don't know what is. I find their concept really exciting.

    Check out of esteemed supporters, which includes people like CBS News veteran Tom Fenton, Air America radio host and journalist Laura Flanders, author Gore Vidal, Freepress founder and president Robert McChesney, longtime progressive Phil Donahue and many others from all over the world who are concerned about the damaging influence of corporate-filtered news.

    We all complain about how badly the mainstream media has been performing in terms of keeping citizens informed with REAL fair and balanced coverage that relies on fact instead of spin. We're all tired of the news concentrating on fluff, gossip and mayhem. Now there's something we can do about it. We can sign up to support The Real News.

    The Real News will be financed by the economic power of thousands of viewers like us around the world. Just 250,000 people paying $10 a month will make it happen. I made my pledge. I hope you do the same. Here's film maker and Real News founder Paul Jay explaining why our support is so important:

    Click for media and blog coverage on the creation of The Real News.

    July 26, 2007 at 03:31 PM in Economy, Populism, Media, Web/Tech | Permalink


    Gotta love this effort. I hope enough people kick in to subscribe. We need this so badly. The power of small donations from the many up against the filthy money of the big media conglomerates!

    Posted by: Robert | Jul 26, 2007 4:38:39 PM

    You might be interested in my interview as well:

    "The Real News" Junkies Get a Fix

    Thanks for telling people about TRN!

    Posted by: > | Jul 27, 2007 9:59:43 PM

    I can't wait to see how this project turns out!!

    Posted by: David | Aug 28, 2007 3:57:10 PM

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