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    Saturday, July 21, 2007

    Guest Blog: Join Santa Fe ENOUGH Protest or Create Your Own

    This is a guest blog by Kaye Hancock of Santa Fe, NM:
    Have you had ENOUGH? If you aren't sure, watch this video: How To Create An Angry American. Then join an ENOUGH PROTEST! Happening every Sunday in Santa Fe and all around this country!

    Here are the ground rules, from chief instigator Wes Clark Jr. in Los Angeles: see diary at Daily Kos.  There have been updates by Wes Clark Jr. on Kos and at Young Turks with photos of people standing as ONE or in groups. We are in the process of recruiting more people every Sunday. Everyone add two friends or family members, then hopefully they add two or more to say "ENOUGH," ... and watch it grow!

    So, JOIN ME and others around the U.S.A. who are giving up ONE HOUR A WEEK to celebrate democracy and breathe life back into it ---is it worth it to you?  If it is worth it to you, then stand with me this Sunday and all other Sundays, from Noon to 1:00 PM at the corner of Paseo de Peralta and Old Pecos Trail at the Capitol Roundhouse in Santa Fe, and wear a t-shirt or hold a sign that simply says ENOUGH!

    Note: "Enough" Tees can be purchased cheaply .

    Our signs and shirts are limited to one word: ENOUGH. It doesn't matter what color the shirt or sign is. We're not going to yell anything or subject people to bad music, long-winded preaching to the choir, or shouting matches with pedestrians or carloads of people who may disagree with us. We're just going to stand there wearing our shirts. Signs saying "ENOUGH" are welcome, too. If people respond that they have had ENOUGH, we will ask them to come back the following Sunday to join us. That's it. It's really simple.

    You will also note from the photo below that I have a homemade sign that I carry, and I am in the process of making a couple more signs appropriate to the theme "ENOUGH." I found the second Sunday I was out that the sign incited more attention, thumbs-up, hoots, hollers, and honks, especially since I was alone. Signs are welcome!

    We hope to geometrically build a leaderless movement of people to put pressure on the politicians to stop shredding the Constitution whenever it is politically expedient for them to do so. By coming back week after week with no draw other than standing with our fellow citizens around this country, we're letting them know we are the kind of dedicated voters willing to put in the time and effort to throw them out if they can't respect the foundation of our Republic. 

    I'd like to stay home on Sundays for the next eighteen months, but I don't think this can wait until the next election. By then damage will be done and the guilty will walk away, only to re-enter politics with the next swing in the election cycle.

    COME JOIN ME! It started with one here in Santa Fe: ME! 


    Let me know if you are interested by emailing me with "ENOUGH" in the subject line. I'll be on the corner waiting for more of you to join me! And if you have a contact list of people in Santa Fe who have had ENOUGH, forward my message to them as well!  ~ Thanks! ~

    This is a guest blog by Kaye Hancock of Santa Fe, NM who can be reached at KayCeSF@aol.com. Guest blogs provide our readers with an opportunity to express their views on pertinent issues. The views expressed may or may not match ours. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand side of the page.

    July 21, 2007 at 07:00 AM in Current Affairs, Events, Guest Blogger, Iraq War, Web/Tech | Permalink


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