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    Monday, July 30, 2007

    Guest Blog: Mayoral Makeover - How Marty Chavez is Working to Reinvent His Image

    Keegan_small_overThis is a guest blog by Keegan King (right), co-director of . It was originally published as an op-ed in Albuquerque's alibi weekly.

    Historically, much has been made of the fact that people under the age of 25 vote at dramatically lower rates than any other segment of the population. Apathy is partly to blame, but I believe the primary reason for a lack of youth involvement in the political process is cynicism. And much of this cynicism stems from watching politicians who manipulate the media to conceal their true policy agendas.

    Take the chief executive of our own fair city, Mayor Martin Chavez. Two recent news items reveal how Chavez is working overtime to reinvent his image:

    Item #1: Gail Reese, a top assistant to Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez, made an on-the-air call to his radio talk show and, using a fake name, parroted the administration's talking points while flaming several city councilors. When Reese was busted for her crude attempt to mislead the public by trying to pose as just another "Jane Q. Citizen," her first response was to feign memory loss.

    After Reese finally fessed up, the mayor's office swung into damage control mode by issuing a press release that spun her surreptitious call as nothing less than a valiant exercise of free speech. KKOB station manager Art Ortega was charitable in characterizing the incident as "disingenuous." The Tribune editorialized against fake "Astroturf" grassroots lobbying efforts emanating from the mayor's office.

    Item #2: Albuquerque's morning daily newspaper reported that Chavez had received something called the "Climate Protection Award" at a recent meeting of the National Conference of Mayors. The story trumpeted the claim that Albuquerque had reduced greenhouse emissions by an extraordinary 67 percent since 2000, making it a "Green City."

    But there were some glaring problems with the story.

    ChavezmFor one thing, the claimed emissions reductions were for — not for the community as a whole.

    That's a huge difference and it illuminates the challenge Chavez faces in refashioning his image.

    Sandy Buffett, executive director of , cut right through the hype in a Journal letter to the editor: "One only needs to look at the unbridled real estate sprawl development to know that Albuquerque's carbon footprint is rapidly exploding ... If Chavez is serious about reducing Albuquerque's carbon footprint, than he needs to get serious about managing and planning Albuquerque's growth." As anyone who has lived in Albuquerque for the past few years knows, Chavez has been the developers' darling by shepherding their big-box, cookie-cutter sprawl development over and over again.

    Oh, and one more thing. The story neglected to inform readers that Chavez' award was sponsored and underwritten by none other than Wal-Mart — the outfit that builds all those big-box stores that do so much to fuel the very sprawl development and car culture that is at the heart of the problem.

    There are more recent examples of Chavez manipulating the media as he works to revamp his image and obscure long-held policy positions.

    Last month, Chavez issued a sweeping "Executive Order" to ban smoking outdoors on all city government property. TV reporting featured footage of the mayor intoning piously about the health dangers of smoking.

    Oddly, this was the very same Mayor Chavez who in 2002 brandished veto threats to block the City Council's efforts to pass an ordinance banning smoking in restaurants. His complaint then? The ordinance restricted to eating establishments was too sweeping and unenforceable. Talk about a 180!

    And then there is Chavez' unveiling of his "Open Government" initiative. It calls for posting the minutes of city board and commission meetings online and reducing photocopy costs for public documents. With the ABQ PAC slush fund scandal fading from public memory, Chavez clearly has calculated that it’s time to jump on the "ethics" bandwagon.

    But again, when you get past the hype, it's worth recalling that Chavez' silence was deafening during the last Legislative Session when really tough ethics reforms were being debated — contribution limits, an independent ethics commission and clean election financing (which he opposed for city elections in 2003).

    This, of course, is what explains Marty's rush to makeover his image. Anticipating a gubernatorial run in 2010, but facing lagging poll numbers, Chavez is desperately trying to reinvent himself to appeal to Democratic primary voters around the state.

    Hollow posturing of this sort is exactly what turns off young voters, who are a growing force to be reckoned with. After years of lagging participation, their turnout surged in the last two elections. Young voters demand honesty and authenticity from those who would presume to lead us. That's bad news for Martin Chavez and his big bamboozle.

    Editor's Note: [all emphasis above mine] This is a guest blog by Keegan King, co-director of . It was originally published as an op-ed in Albuquerque's alibi weekly. Guest blogs provide readers with an opportunity to express their opinions on issues of the day, and may or may not express our views. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

    July 30, 2007 at 10:16 AM in Candidates & Races, Economy, Populism, Energy, Environment, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Guest Blogger, Local Politics, Youth | Permalink


    "Last month, Chavez issued a sweeping "Executive Order" to ban smoking outdoors on all city government property."

    This is another example of his bullying things through without following the law.

    From the City Council webpage: "The Mayor neither discussed with the City Council his intention to take this action nor has he provided a copy of the executive order to the Council. Many people who understand how laws are supposed to be adopted are upset with the Council because they mistakenly believe that this ban has been imposed by the Council.

    It is the City Council and not the Mayor that has the authority to establish, by ordinance, those activities that are subject to penalties. The Mayor has acknowledged, in his statements to the press, that he is without authority to impose any fines or legal penalties for violation of his order.

    Even though there is no enforcement authority, the Mayor has stated that he wants the order “enforced by Albuquerque residents, city workers and police officers.” Having individuals enforce a policy that has no enforcement mechanism is apparently asking those individuals to enforce this ban through confrontation and/or intimidation, which could easily lead to unfortunate consequences."


    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Jul 30, 2007 10:52:31 AM

    You are so right Michelle. Also he junked the new "law" when his connected golfing buddies complained.

    If this is a "green" city I'll eat my car. Encouraging people to leave weeds grow on their former lawns or put rocks there to be heat sinks doesn't really help on water and climate. Xeriscaping doesn't mean rocks or weeds but this is what most people are allowed to do.

    Traffic has increased so damned much but all he can think to do is put light rail on central by Nob Hill to please his developer friends. That are already has enough public transit but huge swaths of the NE Heights and West Side don't. He consistently wants wider roads, more roads, something sincere green advocates warn against.

    He has encouraged horribly energy inefficient development sprawl in places where water is a problem. In city projects he argues against spending money on green innovations even though in public he claims he's pushing for it.

    In other words he's a two-faced hypocrite. I hope voters in the Democratic primaries see through his crap if he runs for governor or some other office. He's a disaster.

    Posted by: Fiasco | Jul 30, 2007 11:26:02 AM

    Mayor Wind Sock has alway talked out both sides of his mouth and been two faced, its time for the voters to WAKE UP! I am glad to see Young Voters getting engaged, something I don't think they realize, there are enough younger voters that if they would get out and vote they could have this city run anyway they want. Mayor Wind Sock has always put younger citizens at the bottom of his priority list, younger voters have the numbers to change that, I encourage them to step up and make a difference.

    Posted by: VP | Jul 30, 2007 12:00:46 PM

    So true VP. I think it's hard to get younger people to believe it's worth voting. Older people too of course. But there often are great candidates out there if people would pay a little more attention.

    Chavez is good at fighting issues and then claiming victory when they are successful despite his pressure. Remember how he fought a raise in the minimum wage in Albuquerque. Now he claims he was for it after he was against it.

    Posted by: RW | Jul 30, 2007 12:06:50 PM

    Im a young voter and stuff like this doesn't make me want to stay away...it makes me want to get even more involved. Its bad enough this man is the mayor, I hope he never becomes the governor, or representative, or senator or anything.

    I hear Animal Control needs a new dog catcher. On second thought I wouldn't put the dogs through hearing him talk about himself all day.

    Posted by: | Jul 30, 2007 1:10:17 PM

    Invitation to Keegan,

    Why don't you charter your group of Young Voters of NM with the Young Democrats of NM? We would love to have you and your group on board. At that, the first NM Youth Holiday is approaching and we need a few more volunteers and some last donations to achieve our goal. Can you help? I emailed you previous to this article, but maybe you didn't get it...

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Ray Armijo

    Posted by: Ray Armijo | Jul 30, 2007 3:12:58 PM

    We need to stop Chavez now. He's running a very poor candidate against Brad Winter. He's running one of his cronies against our great councilor Debbie O'Malley who isn't afraid to stand up to his bullying. He's running another DLC Dem in name only in Dist. 6. Before that he tried to get his people elected as precinct chairs who didn't live in the precinct they were running in. He's desperate so he's getting more nasty and underhanded.

    I think its sad that a Democrat (at least he calls himself one) is so bankrupt in morals and principles. The Democratic rank and file won't vote for him in any primary. Surprise.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jul 30, 2007 5:05:30 PM

    Sickening that Chavez was at the DLC convention this weekend. Not one presidential candidate would show up the DLC is so written off, but Marty was there.

    Posted by: I Vote | Jul 30, 2007 5:16:13 PM

    Don't forget the the recall election of city councilor Don Harris engineered by Chavez. Marty can't stand it when anyone votes against his stuff. He's our king you know!

    Posted by: Red or Green | Jul 31, 2007 9:18:50 AM

    This is why I voted for Jim Baca.

    Posted by: | Aug 1, 2007 1:57:17 PM

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