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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Four Candidates Named Finalists in Search for State Dem Party Executive Director

Four finalists have been selected from the pool of 11 well qualified applicants who had made the first cut in the search for a new Executive Director for the Democratic Party of New Mexico. Members of a search committee appointed by DPNM Chair Brian Colón interviewed and evaluated the 11 applicants on Monday and pared the field to four -- two who are native New Mexicans and two who are from out of state:

Michael Minh Nguyen, Washington, DC: Special Events Coordinator, Center for American Progress; BA Political Science, University of California-Davis.

Laura Sanchez, New Mexico: Energy Solutions Policy Fellow, National Resources Defense Council; Board Member, NM Hispanic Bar Association; Juris Doctor, UCLA School of Law; MPA, University of Arizona-Tucson.

Arturo Terrazas, New Mexico: Vice Chair, Democratic Party of Dona Ana County; Deputy Director, Anthony-Berino Economic Development Corporation; Former Director, Communities United; BA Government, NM State University.

Nate Williams, Wisconsin: Green Bay Regional Director, Congressman Steve Kagan; Juris Doctor, Tulsa College of Law; BS in Political Science and History, Eastern New Mexico University.

Chairman Colón is expected to announce his selection within two weeks. The Executive Director will report directly to the State Chair and manage the day-to-day operations of the State Party.

July 19, 2007 at 09:15 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


Sounds like any one of them would make a good choice. Refreshing.

Posted by: I Vote | Jul 19, 2007 11:58:34 AM

We need a real go getter and someone who can communicate well. I hope whoever is chosen has those talents. We need a sharp organization to kick into high gear this time.

Posted by: roadrunner | Jul 19, 2007 4:29:11 PM

I wondering what the relevance is that "two who are native New Mexicans and two who are from out of state:" are to the process of selecting the next executive director for the state Democratic Party. Does this mean the two "out of state" do not live here? If so, why are they running for this state position? Shouldn't we have a director that lives here?

Posted by: Gary Cascio | Jul 20, 2007 9:29:53 AM

We have a state chair and other state officers who live here directing party staff and doing outreadh. We have party staff who live here. We have many people who live here and labor as ward and precinct chairs and volunteers. If there is a highly skilled person from elsewhere who can add special expertise to the mix at an administrative and communications post, should they be penalized because they weren't born here?

I don't get where you're coming from.

Posted by: Old Dem | Jul 20, 2007 11:05:35 AM

Dear "Old Dem":

My point exactly. I too wonder what point it is that some of these people, all well qualified i'm sure, might come from elsewhere. I don't see how that has any bearing on their qualifications to hold this post. sorry, I was being silly in my post. it just struck me as odd that it made a difference somehow that two of them were not from here.

Posted by: Gary Cascio | Jul 23, 2007 8:26:03 AM



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