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    Thursday, July 05, 2007

    Election Jitters? Domenici Backing Off Support for Iraq Occupation

    Las Cruces blogger Heath Haussamen broke the story on Sen. Pete Domenici's partial change of heart on the Iraq occupation, which was revealed in an announcement by the NM Senator in Albuquerque this morning. Domenici has decided to sign on as a cosponsor of Sen. Ken Salazar's (D-CO) and Sen. Lamar Alexander's (R-TN) SB 1545, a bill to implement the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group.

    This seems to be the new fall back position for Republicans (and some "centrist" Dems) who are becoming increasingly jittery about their prospects and those of their party in the 2008 election due to the Iraq debacle. In recent days Repub defense heavy hitters Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH) changed course and said they could no longer support waiting until September to see if the "surge" is working. Even Sen. John Warner (R-VA) has positive words about Lugar's statement.

    KRQE News has the text of Domenici's press release. Excerpt:

    "I have carefully studied the Iraq situation, and believe we cannot continue asking our troops to sacrifice indefinitely while the Iraqi government is not making measurable progress to move its country forward," Domenici said. "I do not support an immediate withdrawal from Iraq or a reduction in funding for our troops.  But I do support a new strategy that will move our troops out of combat operations and on the path to coming home."

    ... The bill is intended to create conditions that could allow for a drawdown of American combat forces in Iraq by March 2008. Under S.1545, the U.S. military could maintain a long-term but more limited presence in Iraq-focused on protecting American personnel and interests, training and advising Iraqi forces, and carrying out counterterrorism and special operations missions.

    Domenici indicated that the provisions in S.1545 could be debated as part of the FY2008 Defense Authorization Bill that the Senate will take up next week

    Although Repubs were generally very critical of the Study Group's analysis and suggestions when they were released, more and more are apparently seeing it as a politcally useful tool -- one that can give them an out on the war and possibly increase their popularity given that two thirds of Americans want our troops out ASAP, and only hard core Bush loyalists still approve of the president and his Iraq strategy. It seems the Repub rats in Congress are starting to line up to abandon Bush's sinking ship. As we know, the devil will be in the details of any such bill on Iraq, but it seems clearer by the day that the momentum is growing for Repubs to distance themselves from the failed presidency and foreign policy of King George.

    Back in April, Domenici's stated views on the occupation during the debate on the Iraq emergency supplemental bill included these quotes:

    “It is irresponsible for Congress to operate this way. With the provisions in this bill, Congress is deserting our commitments to our military leaders and telling them that none of it matters, the war is over and your mission is done. Congress, with this bill, is reneging on the war and sending our men and women in uniform a demoralizing message. I am committed to giving our military, led by General Petraeus, time and resources to try to calm Baghdad.

    “I understand the deep national unrest over the course of the war. I do not support an open-ended commitment in Iraq. The Iraqi government must do more. But effectively abandoning our military effort at this time poses a treacherous threat to the United States and the region. We should do right by our troops, give them the resources they need and work with the Iraqis toward solutions that will bring our Armed Forces home at an appropriate time,” Domenici said.

    He's certainly changed his tune now that his latest approval rating is only 51% in New Mexico. I guess you could say he was for the Iraq quagmire based on lies before he was against it. I wonder what explanation he would offer the loved ones of our troops who have been killed or maimed since he refused to take action to get them out of harms way this Spring. And what he will tell those who will have to wait until next March or later to get the hell out of Iraq because of the foot dragging of Domenici and his fellow Bush followers.

    Perhaps most hypocritical is Domenici's claim that his abandonment of Bush's policy is due to his being swayed by recent talks with military families who want the troops to come home. Pete claims he hadn't heard that kind of plea previously. I wonder where's he's been all these months and years.

    According to the Friends Committee on National Legislation, SB 1545 includes these provisions:

    * affirms that the ISG recommendations must be implemented as a comprehensive package in order for them to succeed;

    * calls for the U.S. to make clear that it does not seek to establish permanent military bases in Iraq and does not seek to control Iraq’s oil resources;

    * stresses the central need to carry out the ISG’s “New Diplomatic Offensive” to deal with the problems of Iraq and of the region, including the need to engage directly with Iran and Syria, and build an “Iraq Support Group” composed of neighboring states and others;

    * envisions an early transition of the U.S. military role from combat to training and states, as the ISG report did, that barring “unexpected developments in the security situation” most U.S. combat troops “could be redeployed from Iraq by the first quarter of 2008” except those needed for force protection, training, counterterrorism, and special operations;

    * conditions continued U.S. political, military and economic support for the Iraqi government on progress in meeting national reconciliation benchmarks on constitutional reform, revising de-Baathification, equitably distributing oil revenues, holding provincial elections, and protecting the rights of women and minorities;

    * encourages transparency in the oil sector by posting all oil contracts, volumes and prices on the Internet; and

    * establishes significant congressional oversight by requiring the president to report every three months on actions taken to implement most of the provisions of the bill.

    An identical bill, HR 2574, was introduced in the U.S. House by Rep. Mark Udall (D, CO-02) and has 57 cosponsors, including a number of "centrist" Dems.

    Also see our later post with the response to Domenici's statement by Democratic Party of New Mexico Chair Brian Colón.

    July 5, 2007 at 12:57 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Iraq War | Permalink


    Fool me once shame on...shame on me..fool me twice.........you don't get fooled again.

    Not gonna fool me Pete.

    Posted by: JD | Jul 5, 2007 2:09:16 PM

    Talk about political expediency. Not long ago he was bashing Democrats for being traitors to even suggest a real change in course. Of course its one thing to say you're gonna support real change but quite another to really vote for that. I can only imagine what Domenici and his pals will do to the bill he's cosponsoring. Fist off I'm sure will be to cut out any teeth in the bill.

    Posted by: roadrunner | Jul 5, 2007 2:17:17 PM

    Sorry, but its a little late for that now. Maybe Pajama Pete has forgotten, but not to worry, there are plenty of us around to remind him and the voters who supported what. No amount of backpedaling will change that or hide his hypocrisy for doing so.

    Posted by: VP | Jul 5, 2007 3:28:59 PM

    Running scared! They just want to block the Dems who are gaining support for much stronger measures. Funny how quickly they change their tune though when the poll numbers sink.

    I wonder when Heather Wilson will change her mind.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jul 5, 2007 3:30:42 PM

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