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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Right On, Right On, Right On

Michael Moore riffing on the sins of Sanjay Gupta, CNN and the MSM. Gogogogogogogogo. Admit it -- you, yourself, have often yelled at the TV set with similar passion when Wolfie or another of the mocking bobbleheads is twisting reality to suit the overlords, haven't you? Gupta's review of Sicko that precipitated Moore's rant.

On the ever widening impeachment front, there's this. I hope they don't shoot it out of the sky. Nothing is impossible these days in the Bush-Cheney Land of a Thousand Nightmares.

July 11, 2007 at 09:00 AM in Film, Healthcare, Impeachment, Iraq War, Media | Permalink


Moore always has good ancillary materials. Check out


Check out Sickos for Sale and Prehistoric Sickos (I have the DVDs of TV Nation and The Awful Truth in case anyone is interested in borrowing them.)

Posted by: suz | Jul 11, 2007 10:28:17 AM

We need more people calling the media on their crap like this. They get away with ignoring or twisting stories on so many issues.

Come to think of it we need more people calling out politicians on this stuff too. Scratch the surface of any real solution to any of our problems and you'll find a blockade to change put there by the big corporations. We're sick of it.

Posted by: I Vote | Jul 11, 2007 10:39:25 AM

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