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    Thursday, July 26, 2007

    At Last! Leahy Subpoenas Rove (and Jennings)

    You can find the subpoenas, cover letters and Sen. Patrick Leahy's floor statement today (video and text) right here. The vibrations in the battle against a lawless White House just moved up an octave in intensity and speed ....

    "... Stonewalling this congressional investigation is further demonstration that this Administration refuses to abide by the rule of law."

    “... The evidence shows that senior White House political operatives were focused on the political impact of federal prosecutions and whether federal prosecutors were doing enough to bring partisan voter fraud and corruption cases.  It is obvious that the reasons given for the firings of these prosecutors were contrived as part of a cover up and that the stonewalling by the White House is part and parcel of that same effort,” Leahy said.  “The Bush-Cheney White House continues to place great strains on our constitutional system of checks and balances.  Not since the darkest days of the Nixon Administration have we seen efforts to corrupt federal law enforcement for partisan political gain and such efforts to avoid accountability.”

    "... E-mails show that Mr. Rove initiated inquires at least by the beginning of 2005 as to how to proceed regarding the dismissal and replacement of U.S. Attorneys.  The evidence also shows that he raised political concerns, including those of New Mexico Republican leaders, about New Mexico U.S. Attorney David Iglesias that may have led to his dismissal.  He was fired a few weeks after Mr. Rove complained to the Attorney General about the lack of purported “voter fraud” enforcement cases in his jurisdiction."

    "...With our service of these subpoenas, I hope that the White House takes this opportunity to reconsider its blanket claim of executive privilege, especially in light of the testimony that President was not involved in the dismissals of these U.S. Attorneys.  I hope that the White House steps back from this constitutional crisis of its own making so that we can begin to repair the damage done by its untoward interference with federal law enforcement.  That interference has threatened our elections and seriously undercut the American people’s confidence in the independence and evenhandedness of law enforcement.  Mr. Rove and the White House must not be allowed to continue manipulating our justice system to pursue a partisan political agenda.  Apparently, this White House would rather precipitate an unnecessary constitutional confrontation than do what every other Administration has done and find and accommodation with the Congress. If there are any cooler or wiser heads at the White House, I urge them to reconsider the course they have chosen.

    "There is a cloud over this White House and a gathering storm.  I hope they will reconsider their course and end their cover up so that we can move forward together to repair the damage done to the Department of Justice and the American people’s trust and confidence in federal law enforcement." [emphais mine]

    You really, really should read or watch the entire statement. Constitutional crisis, here we come.

    July 26, 2007 at 04:59 PM in Crime, Ethics & Campaign Reform, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink


    They are all gonna get nailed. I feel it in my bones.

    Posted by: JLC | Jul 26, 2007 6:45:03 PM

    Stock up on the popcorn, its gonna get interesting. Conyers doing the contempt of congress thing and Leahy nailing Gonzo for his lying to the Senate, next up Rove & Jennings and _____? WOW what a week!!!

    Posted by: VP | Jul 27, 2007 7:53:35 AM

    Don't forget them asking for a special prosecutor to look into Alberto's perjury that was confirmed by FBI director Mueller's testimony yesterday. Many things are coming together but how will the criminals in the White House react? They should all be taken out in handcuffs.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jul 27, 2007 8:47:03 AM

    Impeachment is just around the corner or it should be!

    Posted by: Linda in Las Cruces | Jul 27, 2007 1:57:57 PM

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