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    Sunday, July 22, 2007

    ACTION ALERT: Join 'Iraq Summer' Rally Tuesday, Noon, ABQ

    I'm passing this along from Americans Against Escalation in Iraq -- the Iraq Summer activists. Please come if you can and pass the info on. We need some street action to keep the pressure on to stop the Iraq occupation:

    With more than 70 percent of the American public calling for the withdrawal of nearly all U.S. troops from Iraq by April, the "Iraq Summer" campaign alongside dozens of concerned New Mexicans will hold a solemn 'Chaos is Not Progress' rally on the Corner of San Mateo Blvd, NE and Montgomery Blvd, NE on July 24, 2007 at 12 Noon in response to the Bush administration's so-called 'progress report' in Iraq and in response to U.S. Senator Pete Domenici's and U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson's ongoing support of the President's costly, irresponsible and failed Iraq war policy.

    New Mexicans will mimic music legend Bob Dylan's classic video Subterranean Homesick Blues (above) by dropping cue cards with statistics of American casualties and taxpayers' money spent on the war in Iraq. The rally comes on the heels of Rep. Wilson's vote on July 12 against the Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act [HR 2956] and Senator Domenici's vote on July 18 to obstruct an up-or-down vote on the Reed-Levin amendment to the Defense Authorization bill ? both meaningful pieces of legislation to begin safely and responsibly winding down the war in Iraq.

    WHO: Americans Against Escalation in Iraq

    WHAT: New Mexico "Iraq Summer" Holds Solemn 'Chaos is Not Progress' Rally in Response to Bush Administration's So-Called "Progress Report" in Iraq

    WHEN: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 12 Noon

    WHERE: Corner of San Mateo Blvd, NE and Montgomery Blvd NE, Albuquerque


    July 22, 2007 at 02:54 PM in Events, Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink


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