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Friday, June 08, 2007

(Updated) Oops, What's Bush Drinking?

The photo above was included as part of this article on Yahoo News about Bush at the G8 summit in Germany. Funny, Bush was guzzling this golden, sudsy liquid on Thursday, only to come down with stomach problems on Friday morning causing him to stay in bed. I wouldn't be surprised if he had some problems with pretzels, as well:

Hit with a stomach illness that restricted him to his lodging room, President Bush still met Friday with France's new president and arranged for talks in Poland on another rocket resistance framework. The president was at that point dressed when he started feeling sick in the morning, White House advisor Dan Bartlett said. He said specialists are watching out for him however that Bush's ailment — whether a stomach infection, a light touch of nourishment harming or something else — is "not genuine."

He remained in bed to attempt to rest and recover, missing the morning session of the summit being held here of eight industrialized popular governments.

REFRESH 4:00 PM: Here's another shot from the G8 in Germany of Bush and his brew:

Hat tip Think Progress.

Maybe it's become a sort of tradition for George W. to party down at the G8. Check out his expression in this photo from last year's Summit, and note the bottle of beer near him on the table:


June 8, 2007 at 02:38 PM in Current Affairs, Visuals | Permalink


That goofy look on his face gives him away every time.
And explains a lot of things... Sheesh!

Posted by: | Jun 8, 2007 3:34:41 PM

How embarassing!
But finally caught doing what many suspected.
Imagine what a fool he is drunk.
Doesnt it look like the others at the table are just saying come on Georgie just have one more. Tell us about why we went to war again.
He is laughing all the way to the bank.
Him and cheney creep.

Posted by: meb | Jun 8, 2007 4:47:49 PM

Looks like Tony Blair even follows Bush with the same drink order. I bet Bush even ordered for him, " He'll have what I'm having."

I might honestly take the chance of Bush being a better President when he's drunk...hey can't get any worse than Sober Bush.

Posted by: JD | Jun 9, 2007 11:25:02 AM

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