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Monday, June 18, 2007

Upcoming Defenders of Wildlife Events in ABQ, Santa Fe, Taos

From Lisa Hummon, New Mexico Outreach Representative, Defenders of Wildlife: Below you'll find a list of upcoming events and meetings in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos. I've noted RSVP deadlines for meetings and projects. There is a lot going on right now both in Congress and locally regarding climate change, agricultural policy, and the Mexican wolf, so now is a critical time for us to come together to discuss these issues and spread the word in our communities.

Defenders Meet-Up, ABQ
Date: Tuesday, June 19, 6:15 PM
Location: Flying Star Downtown, on Silver between 7th and 8th, Albuquerque
About: We will be discussing the Live Earth Concerts, Mexican wolf reintroduction, and climate change legislation. ** Please RSVP to me by noon on Tuesday if you would like to attend.

Defenders Meet-Up, Santa Fe
Date: Thursday, June 21, 6:15 PM
Location: Santa Fe Baking Co, 504 W Cordova Rd., Santa Fe
About: We will be discussing the Live Earth Concerts, Mexican wolf reintroduction, and climate change legislation. ** Please RSVP to me by noon on Wednesday if you would like to attend.

Cedro Creek Restoration Work Project
Date: Saturday, June 23, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Location: Tijeras Canyon, near Albuquerque
About: We will be working to restore the Sandia Prep stretch of Cedro Creek in order to reduce erosion, improve water quality, and improve habitat and forage for wildlife.  Sponsored by the Quivira Coalition.
View the project flyer (pdf). ** Please RSVP to me by Thurs, June 21

Taos Solar Music Festival
Date: Friday, June 29 -- Sunday, July 1, times vary

Location: Kit Carson Park, downtown Taos
About: Defenders will have a table in the "Solar Village" just outside of the concert venue.  We will have information about climate change, the Farm Bill, the Mexican wolf, and more.  Visit to see this year's line up and other info. 
** Volunteers Needed

Live Earth Concert Viewings
Date: Saturday, July 7, times TBA
Locations: TBA in Abq, Santa Fe, and Las Cruces
About: These concerts are being organized by Al Gore and others to inspire individuals, businesses, and political leaders to stop the climate crisis. There will be 7 concerts, on 7 continents, on 7/7/07.  Although there is no concert in NM, we can watch the concerts on tv and inspire action in our city, state, and region. Visit to learn more about the concerts. ** Contact me if you are interested in attending or volunteering

Defenders is also looking for volunteers to table at the Albuquerque Growers Market on Saturday mornings. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thanks for all you do!

Lisa Hummon
New Mexico Outreach Representative
Defenders of Wildlife
824 Gold SW
Albuquerque, NM  87108
(505) 248-0118 x5
(505) 248-0187 (fax)

June 18, 2007 at 08:28 AM in Environment, Events | Permalink


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