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    Thursday, June 28, 2007

    Rep. Steve Pearce Has His Head in the Sand: The Video

    Adding to their Heads in the Sand on Global Warming campaign, the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund has released a new video (above) that pixilates our predicament with Republican Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02) and his obtuse nonresponses to the threats of global climate change. Pearce wants to keep things just as they are because so many of his big donors make lots of money producing fuels that create greenhouse gases. He'd rather sacrifice the future of our children and grandchildren -- and maybe even the planet itself -- by defending the status quo instead of facing reality and supporting the actions necessary to address one of our most urgent problems.

    You can check out the particulars of Pearce's disturbing record here. For instance, did you know that Pearce voted against the environment on 20 out of 20 related bills in the 109th Congress? He earned a zero percent score for 2005 and a zero percent score for 2006 in the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund scorecard.

    Pearce to let him know what you think of his Head in the Sand approach to our environmental future. After all, he's supposed to be representing all the people, not just his favorite promoters of pollution. While you're at it, you might want to lend a hand to one of the Democrats who want to challenge Pearce in 2008 election:

    Also see our previous post on Head-In-The-Sand Pearce. Click to support the work of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, including their radio ad targeting Rep. Steve Pearce's dismal environmental record.

    Of course, Pearce is just one ally of the Republican campaign to stop the advancing movement towards renewable energy. Be sure to check out the excellent Rolling Stone article, The Secret Campaign of President Bush's Administration to Deny Global Warming, for the dirty details.

    Remember, the Republican members of Congress in our state -- Rep. Steve Pearce, Rep. Heather Wilson and Sen. Pete Domenici -- all stick with the Bush agenda no matter what. Can the planet stand another term from any of them?

    June 28, 2007 at 03:02 PM in Corporatism, Energy, Environment, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink


    I think Pearce has his head up his butt, not in the ground!

    Posted by: Las Cruces Sal | Jun 29, 2007 5:24:58 PM

    I think the green radical tree huggers have their heads up their butt. It extremist views like this that will leave this country in dire straights over bogus, alleged CO2 caused global warming, which has been happening since the last ice age.

    It's really population growth and human misuse of the land that does the most damage. Global warming will occur mostly without the help of humans no matter how much we try to curtail CO2 emissions; which in the past have followed, not proceeded temps. Steve has the right idea on energy use.

    So do a reality check like at "A Dog Called Kyoto" instead of whizzing out your butt.

    Posted by: coyotie | Jan 4, 2008 2:03:53 PM

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