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    Wednesday, June 20, 2007

    Domenici to Join Filibuster Against Important Labor Bill Introduced by Dem Senators

    DemunionScore one for the Dems. See below for a release from the Democratic Party of New Mexico discussing the critically important Employee Free Choice Act introduced this week by Democrats in the U.S. Senate. The measure was passed by the House in March by a healthy margin of 241-185, with Rep. Tom Udall (D, NM-03) cosponsoring and voting for the bill. Both of our Repub Reps., Heather Wilson (NM-01) and Steve Pearce (NM-02), voted against the bill and working families. And surprise, Bush is already threatening to veto the measure should it gain passage.

    Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, our increasingly grouchy and out of touch Senator Pete Domenici is strongly opposed to the bill. In fact, he plans not only to vote against it, but to join in a Republican filibuster to stop it. Senator Bingaman, on the other hand, is one of the bill's sponsors on the Senate side, and every single Democratic Senator, plus Repub Sen. Arlen Specter, has indicated they will support the Employee Free Choice Act with an aye vote.

    We Democrats can often be very tough on Democrats in government, but I think we need to balance that with praise where praise is due. This is one of those times:

    NEW MEXICO WORKERS WOULD BENEFIT FROM EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACT: Democrats Move to Pass Workers’ Rights Legislation

    Democrats in the Senate stood up this week for New Mexico’s working families by introducing the Employee Free Choice Act. Thousands of union members, joined by labor leaders and Congressional Democrats, came together to support this legislation.

    The Employee Free Choice Act is designed to protect workers against employer interference and intimidation when forming unions. Right here in New Mexico, somewhere between 30,000 and 75,000 people will benefit from the Employee Free Choice Act by receiving pension and health care benefits from union participation.

    President Bush continues to threaten to veto this important legislation. The Republican Congress and the Bush Administration have steadily eroded workers’ freedom to form unions through lax enforcement of labor laws, cuts to organizing protections, and the Administration’s interference in collective bargaining.

    “At a time when health care costs are skyrocketing and people are unsure about their retirement security, it is more important than ever for workers to have the right to engage in collective bargaining and to be able form unions without employer intimidation,” said Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman Brian Colón. “Union workers in New Mexico are more likely to have health insurance and additional benefits for long term security than non-union workers.”

    Colón continued: “Senator Pete Domenici should stand with New Mexico’s working families and support this legislation to improve working conditions, strengthen America's families, and rebuild America's middle class.”

    June 20, 2007 at 05:57 PM in Labor | Permalink


    Domenici and the Republicans are against working families, against renewable energy, against having the rich pay their fair share of taxes and against health care coverage for all Americans. They claim to be for "freedom" but what they mean is the freedom for high rollers to rip off whoever they can without interference.

    Posted by: Ollie | Jun 21, 2007 8:57:31 AM

    We need someone strong to run against Domenici. Step up to the plate candidates!

    Posted by: El Norte | Jun 21, 2007 10:04:56 AM

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