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    Sunday, June 03, 2007

    Santa Fe for Gore '08 Campaign: Monday Morning Welcome and Visibility Event

    From Linda Perrone: The Santa Fe for Gore ’08 Campaign welcomes Vice President Al Gore with a visibility event to show support.

    Bernalillo, NM -- Santa Fe for Gore ’08 Campaign members will be rallying to welcome the Former Vice President, Al Gore, to New Mexico.  We will be supporting his efforts to bring attention and call to action steps to combat the climate crisis and to encourage him to run for President, so he can make the necessary changes needed on this and the many other challenges we face to move us forward. This event serves as a kick off for World Environment Day on Tuesday, June 5, 2007. Please join us and show your support, pick up a list of steps you can take and pick up a button, while supplies last.

    Who:  Santa Fe for Gore ’08 Campaign
    What:  Visibility and Support Rally
    When:  Monday, June 4, 2007, 7:30 AM-10:00 AM
    Where:  At intersection of Highway 550 & Jemez Dam Rd.

    Contact:  Linda Perrone, mailforldp@gmail.com

    Editor's Note: Gore will be speaking at a private event, the Sustainable Operations Summit, at the Tamaya Resort and Spa near Bernalillo on Monday.

    June 3, 2007 at 12:22 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Environment, Events | Permalink


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