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    Saturday, June 30, 2007

    RIGHT NOW: Only a Few Hours to Help Martin Heinrich This Quarter

    NOTE: I'll be keeping this post at the top of the page until the fundraising quarter is over at Midnight tonight, June 30th. Please donate if you can.

    Time is short if you want to help make a difference in Martin Heinrich's campaign for Congress in NM-01 for this fundraising quarter. If we want to help Martin show that he has widespread support from the netroots-grassroots community, now is the time. Click to Donate: https://www.actblue.com/page/dfnmforheinrich

    Martin's campaign needs to demonstrate it has the backing of as many people as possible to make it clear that he's the best Democratic candidate to take on Heather Wilson in 2008.

    Please donate RIGHT NOW if you can, and use the DFNM Netroots fundraising page at Act Blue to do so. In this way, Martin will know that progressive Democrats and Independents are doing whatever we can to support his candidacy:


    Even a $5 donation helps. Remember how Howard Dean outraised all his competitors based on hundreds of thousands of small donations? Let's help Martin Heinrich do the same.

    You can also sign up for automatic monthly donations, if you'd prefer, which spreads the expense over time so you can afford it.


    We know that Heather Wilson will have millions of dollars to try and "Swiftboat" Martin Heinrich. Let's help him build a strong campaign so he can stand up to Heather and provide representation that we can be proud of!

    June 30, 2007 at 01:16 PM in Democratic Party, DFNM - Albq, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    I hope many people donate so the big shots don't decide to run someone less progressive in this spot. You know how they are. Heinrich has to show he has fundraising ability and we all need to help. We need to pull together on this one.

    Posted by: I Vote | Jun 29, 2007 5:24:18 PM

    I see Martin has over $35K at BlueAmerica. Go Howie Klein. Go netroots. Go Martin.

    Posted by: bg | Jul 1, 2007 11:13:26 AM

    Hey bg: Where are you seeing that re BlueAmerica? I wasn't aware that Heinrich was a BlueAmerica pick. I just looked at the BlueAmerica page at ActBlue and don't see Heinrich listed:


    BlueAmerica DOES do great things though!

    I do see that Heinrich raised more than $35,000 over the ActBlue pages overall, including from the link on his campaign website and $800 from the DFNM Netroots ActBlue page for him.

    Posted by: | Jul 1, 2007 11:34:43 AM

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