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    Tuesday, June 19, 2007

    Rant of the Day: Privatize This

    Henry Rollins Tees Off. To augment that, read this IndyMedia report on Iraqi unionists speaking out during a U.S. tour against the American occupation and privatization schemes. This kind of corporatist money and power grab is at the very core of many of the festering problems our elected officials refuse to address effectively, whether they're related to health care, energy, education, natural resources like water, voting machines, trade, jobs, media, the prison industrial complex, our highway system or other areas where "privatization" to fill corporate coffers is being pushed to the detriment of the common good and common sense.

    Is it any wonder? The powerful lobbying arms of these profit-at-any-cost outfits siphon tons of cash into the "campaign funds" of politicians on both sides of the aisle. They don't do that without getting what they want in return. They aren't donating large sums of money to be nice. Bottom line -- the "contributions" are nothing more than bribes masquerading as "free speech." Isn't it time we strengthen the challenges against politicos in both political parties on this score?

    Secrecy Continues on Earmarks
    I happened to turn on the TV this morning and caught a story on CNN about a project they're conducting to gather information on the specific "earmarks" being stuck into bills by members of Congress. Remember how one of the promises made by Dems in the 2006 election was that they'd reduce the rapid proliferation of these hidden subsidies to cronies and make the process transparent? Don't hold your breath. Of the 435 House members contacted by CNN interns, only 31 provided data on the specific earmarks they're pursuing. I guess they don't believe we have a right to know what projects are being supported with our tax dollars. Remember, we're just here to vote, pay our taxes and do the grunt work door to door while the "important people" who "contribute" generously to their campaigns get to call the shots.

    NM House Members: Show Us the Money
    According to the compiled by CNN, New Mexico Reps. Heather Wilson (NM-01), Steve Pearce (NM-02) and Tom Udall (NM-03) all failed to provide the requested information on earmarks. What are they hiding? If you'd like to contact them to ask, click here. You know they always like to hear from contituents, as their websites and emails always state.

    Private Equity and Hedge Fund Scams
    In a related vein, don't even get me started on the "private equity funds" that are buying up public American companies, taking them private, dumping employees and benefits and essentially stealing their pension funds and other capital assets for distribution to their secret members. Have you heard ANY politician in the national spotlight criticize the full extent of this robbery? Even John Edwards, our token "populist" candidate, hems and haws when asked about private equity or hedge funds. After all, he recently worked for Fortress, a private equity firm that was taken public and produced large gains for its officers. And as this article reports, the majority of hedge fund "donations" are going to Dem candidates.

    Again, don't hold your breath for any meaningful action by politicos anytime soon. They wouldn't want to subject members of such filthy outfits as the Carlisle Group to public scrutiny or fair taxation. It would cut down on the level of today's record-breaking campaign contributions!

    Oh, there's a small dent in the dam as Congress has been so shamed by the revealed shenanigans of the Blackstone Fund that a bill has been introduced to address a narrow instance of the widespread problems with the equity funds. As this article in The Nation explains, Blackstone's greed and opportunism represents only the tip of the iceberg. Meanwhile, the Dem presidential candidates remain silent. Their owners don't like to be outed.

    June 19, 2007 at 09:56 AM in Civil Liberties, Corporatism, Economy, Populism, Iraq War, Visuals | Permalink


    It's been a long time since either party was for the working people. Democrats have been somewhat better on social and environmental issues but they both suck on bread and butter issues. I don't know how we change this do you?

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jun 19, 2007 2:40:13 PM

    Agree with you Old Dem. The Democrats have pushed minimum wage increases and certain other measures that help the working classes but they've done next to nothing to get at the root of the problems. They seem stuck on dealing with the symptoms of a lack of fairness and standards in the business climate of today.

    I am so sick of hearing how free trade is a positive thing. Of course trade can be a good thing, but it obviously has to be regulated wisely so that it doesn't damage ordinary people here and overseas. We have to get a planetary viewpoint on these problems.

    Posted by: | Jun 19, 2007 8:29:40 PM

    Of course the Democrats are much better on fairness, economic and labor issues than Republicans but that isn't saying much in today's corporate run world. We need big change not just small stuff around the edges. At least Edwards is making poverty and the working class one of his main issues. You don't hear a peep out of Hillary on that. I wish Obama would be more outspoken but he seems to have gotten the beltway consultant disease.

    Richardson is saying many good things on the war and other issues but can we believe him? The jury's out.

    Posted by: roadrunner | Jun 20, 2007 8:10:18 AM

    The party and all our politicians need to be economic populists. All this fooling around with Wall Street that came in big time during the Clinton admin has to stop. I don't trust Hillary because of this.

    Posted by: I Vote | Jun 20, 2007 10:52:52 AM

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