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    Sunday, June 24, 2007

    Guest Blog: Patrick Lyons Needs to Answer Questions About Campaign Contributions

    This is a guest blog by Stephanie L. DuBois of Las Cruces:
    "Fair and honest" are the words used by Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons. He was the same Patrick Lyons that thought buying a pick-up truck with campaign funds was acceptable.I am sure he believes he was fair and honest. I can't say with any certainty that Mr. Lyons has done anything illegal according to New Mexico law.

    We, as New Mexican voters, extend to our elected officials a certain amount of trust and we have the expectation that trust will be honored. Some of the comments attributed to Mr. Lyons might cause one to think there is a credibility gap. On one hand he says "everything we do is fair and honest" and he is doing everything he can to raise money for state trust funds. On the other hand he doesn't feel compelled to answer questions about campaign donations given by the same developer before and after the bid was awarded to him. When called by an Albuquerque Journal reporter about those donations he told the reporter, "don't call me back again." He then hung up. I think the commissioner doth protest too much.

    To my knowledge, there is no bid process on state trust lands, yet Mr. Lyons created a Request for Proposal process with a reported deadline of February 1. He awarded the bid to a Las Cruces developer on December 26. Mr. Lyons claimed that this contractor had by far the best proposal. Question: How could Mr. Lyons know it was the best proposal if he didn't see any of the others? And why would he go against his process by awarding the bid almost a month early?

    The contractor can donate to any campaign he wishes, as long as he doesn't have some expectation of some kind of return. For me, I think there should be an investigation of all transactions made while Lyons has been in office. Unlike the legislature, which must have a majority vote to pass legislation, Lyons is able to make decisions unilaterally and arbitrarily. We learned in the recent past that behavior isn't always wise. Let's have answers to the right questions.

    Editor's Note: This is a guest blog by Stephanie L. DuBois. Guest blogs provide our readers with an opportunity to express their personal opinions on relevant political issues. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper right-hand corner of our main page.

    To learn more about the controversy over Patrick Lyons' handling of a development bid in Las Cruces and campaign contributions he received from the chosen developer, try these for starters:

    June 24, 2007 at 11:45 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Guest Blogger, Local Politics | Permalink


    Two people have told me a man who may have been New Mexico's 2nd Congressional District Congressman Steve Pearce was arrested Sunday, June 24, 2007 about 5:00 pm, in Roswell NM. He attacked a child at a Gus Macker basketball event. A police officer stopped the Congressman before the child was harmed seriously. The policeman had to throw Congressman Pearce to the ground and restrain the congressman. Steve Pearce was handcuffed and taken away in a police car. Over 20 people witnessed the attack and arrest. Congressman Pearce yelled vulgarities as he was forced into the police car.

    Posted by: Alfredo | Jun 25, 2007 12:20:22 AM

    That wasn't Rep. Steve Pearce, it was NM Rep. Dan Foley (R-Roswell), who serves as the Republican House Minority Whip in the NM Legislature:

    "State Rep. Dan Foley, R-Roswell, was arrested Sunday evening by Roswell police officers after an altercation during the Gus Macker basketball tournament which was being staged in the back parking lot of the Roswell Mall."

    "... Charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and obstructing an officer, Foley was booked into CCDC Sunday evening and faces a $900 surety bond, according to Moe Espinoza, a CCDC corrections officer."

    Click for the rest of the news report:

    Roswell Daily Record article

    Posted by: | Jun 25, 2007 9:10:25 AM

    I apologize for the error. My witnesses gave me the wrong name.

    Posted by: Alfredo | Jun 25, 2007 10:40:26 AM

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