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    Tuesday, June 05, 2007

    (Updated) NM Democrats Urged to Honor Fallen Soldier at Service

    Update: See our later post that contains more information on the service for Sgt. Akin.

    From Albuquerque Democrat Victor Raigoza:
    It is with great sadness that I report to you the death of a great young Albuquerque Democrat, Sgt. James Akin. Sgt. Akin was one of the four men killed this past weekend in Iraq, when the vehicle he was driving hit an IED. 

    At the request of Mrs. Syreeta Akin, James' widow, I am asking that all Democrats attend his service.  Dates and times have not yet been set. You may have to refer to the paper for notice of time and place. I do know that the service will be at Calvary Chapel on Osuna (I do believe we can fill this space with the Democrats James so loved) and the final resting place will be the MIlitary Cemetary in Santa Fe. 

    The reason Syreeta wants Democrats there is because James loved the Democratic party and had aspirations of one day serving the people of New Mexico and the United States in the capacity of an elected official.

    James was 23 and enlisted to serve our nation so that one day he would be able to show his dedication not only in word but in action. He had intentions of one day running for President of the United States, and he knew that military service would be a vital part of his campaign. He also enlisted because as stated to me in a letter from 2004, "We will either fight for our country or we will lose it.  This is not the time to rest, but one to work for the people."

    James was a member of the John Kelly for Congress Campaign and was my Campaign Manager when I ran for State Senate. The last political thing James did in Albuquerque was in October 2006 when he spoke at a rally for Patricia Madrid in the North Valley.

    There could be no greater tribute to this fine young man, a fallen hero, than to honor him by the presence of the Democrats of the great state of which he loved at his memorial service.

    I appreciate your efforts in rallying the masses to come pay their final respects to this great Democrat.

    Thank you,
    Victor Raigoza

    Editor's Note: I will update this post when more information is received about the date and time of the funeral service. Here's the AP story on Akin's death.

    June 5, 2007 at 11:31 AM in Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink


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