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Monday, June 11, 2007

League of Women Voters to Host Talk on Civil Liberties by Ret. Chief Justice Franchini

From the League of Women Voters, Albuquerque/Bernalillo County:

June General Meeting, Thursday, June 14th, at 11:45 AM
Wyndham Hotel, 2910 Yale Boulevard SE, Albuquerque

Chief Justice (Retired) Franchini on the Current Status of Our Civil Liberties: Please call in your reservations to the office for this Thursday's General Meeting. Chief Justice (Retired) Franchini of the New Mexico Supreme Court will speak on the changed status of civil liberties since September 11, 2001 and the implementation of the USA PATRIOT law, and what he sees as the future of habeas corpus in the United States. Come hear Justice Franchini's insights into these critical topics that affect our liberties. Bring your friends along as well. All are welcome.

Luncheon is $15 in advance or payable at the door. Reservations are required by Tuesday noon. Call the office at 505-884-8441 to make a reservation. A fruit plate alternative is available. Please inform the office if you want a fruit plate when you make your reservation.

June 11, 2007 at 10:30 AM in Civil Liberties, Events | Permalink


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