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    Wednesday, June 20, 2007

    ACTION ALERT: Make Your Voice Heard on Health Coverage in NM

    The final draft report prepared by Mathematica to evaluate health care coverage options for New Mexico has just been released. You can find links to the report in two parts on the website of Health Action New Mexico:

    Important Opportunities for Public Input
    The Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee, the task force appointed by Governor Richardson to make recommendations for health coverage legislation, will be meeting on Thursday, June 21, starting at 9AM and on Friday, June 22, starting at 8:30 AM, in Room 322 of the Santa Fe Roundhouse to discuss the results of the Mathematica study. If you want to see real health care reform in NM, you should attend this meeting and make your views known. Public input will be accepted on both days.

    Next Up: Interim Legislative Committee
    The NM Legislative Interim Committee on Health and Human Services will consider the Mathematica report results at its meeting starting at 10 AM on June 25th in Room 322 of the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. Although no public input will be accepted, it's a good idea to show legislators there's strong public interest in reforming health care coverage by your attendance.

    You can also find links to the final draft Mathematica report on the , which also has information on the Governor's task force -- the Health Care for New Mexicans Committee.

    It's critical that the powers that be hear your views on the future of health care coverage in New Mexico! If you can, please attend one or more of these important meetings.

    June 20, 2007 at 10:26 AM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    I've been following this issue for decades and nothing is ever done to change things.

    We should flood these meetings with people or else you know the power players will give us the worst possible choice that puts the most money in the pockets of insurance companies, HMOs, etc. If we don't show up we have only ourselves to blame.

    Posted by: | Jun 20, 2007 12:54:54 PM

    My mother was in the hospital this year and the care she got was really really bad. The insurance and HMO people are squeezing every nickel they can out of the care, nobody answers the phone, you cant get an appointment when you get out and need to see doctors. I was shocked. I hope we can get something done so this doesn't keep happening. She has insurance. Think of those who dont.

    Posted by: C. Sanchez | Jun 20, 2007 5:10:16 PM

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